Observation of an Efimov-like trimer resonance in ultracold atom–dimer scattering S Knoop, F Ferlaino, M Mark, M Berninger, H Schöbel, HC Nägerl, ...
Nature Physics 5 (3), 227-230, 2009
329 2009 Evidence for universal four-body states tied to an Efimov trimer F Ferlaino, S Knoop, M Berninger, W Harm, JP D’incao, HC Nägerl, ...
Physical review letters 102 (14), 140401, 2009
290 2009 Feynman path-integral treatment of the BEC-impurity polaron J Tempere, W Casteels, MK Oberthaler, S Knoop, E Timmermans, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 80 (18), 184504, 2009
288 2009 Feshbach spectroscopy and analysis of the interaction potentials of ultracold sodium S Knoop, T Schuster, R Scelle, A Trautmann, J Appmeier, MK Oberthaler, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 83 (4), 042704, 2011
173 2011 Spectroscopy of ultracold trapped cesium Feshbach molecules M Mark, F Ferlaino, S Knoop, JG Danzl, T Kraemer, C Chin, HC Nägerl, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 76 (4), 042514, 2007
110 2007 Magnetically controlled exchange process in an ultracold atom-dimer mixture S Knoop, F Ferlaino, M Berninger, M Mark, HC Nägerl, R Grimm, ...
Physical review letters 104 (5), 053201, 2010
108 2010 Recoil momentum spectroscopy of highly charged ion collisions on magneto-optically trapped Na JW Turkstra, R Hoekstra, S Knoop, D Meyer, R Morgenstern, RE Olson
Physical review letters 87 (12), 123202, 2001
90 2001 Inner-and outer-shell electron dynamics in proton collisions with sodium atoms M Zapukhlyak, T Kirchner, HJ Lüdde, S Knoop, R Morgenstern, ...
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 38 (14), 2353, 2005
82 2005 Collisions between Tunable Halo Dimers: Exploring an Elementary Four-Body Process<? format?> with Identical Bosons F Ferlaino, S Knoop, M Mark, M Berninger, H Schöbel, HC Nägerl, ...
Physical review letters 101 (2), 023201, 2008
76 2008 Feshbach spectroscopy and scattering properties of ultracold Li+ Na mixtures T Schuster, R Scelle, A Trautmann, S Knoop, MK Oberthaler, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 85 (4), 042721, 2012
71 2012 Metastable Feshbach molecules in high rotational states S Knoop, M Mark, F Ferlaino, JG Danzl, T Kraemer, HC Nägerl, R Grimm
Physical review letters 100 (8), 083002, 2008
37 2008 Universal three-body parameter in ultracold He S Knoop, JS Borbely, W Vassen, S Kokkelmans
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 86 (6), 062705, 2012
33 2012 Single ionization and electron capture in He2++ Na collisions S Knoop, RE Olson, H Ott, VG Hasan, R Morgenstern, R Hoekstra
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 38 (12), 1987, 2005
30 2005 State selective single-electron capture in O6++ Na collisions S Knoop, M Keim, HJ Lüdde, T Kirchner, R Morgenstern, R Hoekstra
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 38 (17), 3163, 2005
27 2005 Single-electron capture in keV Ar15+… 18++ He collisions S Knoop, D Fischer, Y Xue, M Zapukhlyak, CJ Osborne, T Ergler, T Ferger, ...
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 41 (19), 195203, 2008
26 2008 Cold molecules: Theory, experiment, applications F Ferlaino, S Knoop, R Grimm
Ultracold Feshbach molecules, 2009
25 2009 The dutch offshore wind atlas (dowa): Description of the dataset I Wijnant, B Van Ulft, B Van Stratum, J Barkmeijer, J Onvlee, C De Valk, ...
Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute, Ministry of Infrastructure and …, 2019
23 2019 Ultracold mixtures of metastable He and Rb: Scattering lengths from ab initio calculations and thermalization measurements S Knoop, PS Żuchowski, D Kȩdziera, Ł Mentel, M Puchalski, HP Mishra, ...
Physical Review A 90 (2), 022709, 2014
21 2014 A two-year intercomparison of CW focusing wind lidar and tall mast wind measurements at Cabauw S Knoop, FC Bosveld, MJ De Haij, A Apituley
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions 2020, 1-25, 2020
20 2020 Magnetic-field-dependent trap loss of ultracold metastable helium JS Borbely, R van Rooij, S Knoop, W Vassen
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 85 (2), 022706, 2012
19 2012