William N. Dowd
William N. Dowd
Health Economics Program, RTI International
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Alcohol consumption in response to the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States
C Barbosa, AJ Cowell, WN Dowd
Journal of Addiction Medicine 15 (4), 341-344, 2021
Prescription drug monitoring programs, nonmedical use of prescription drugs, and heroin use: Evidence from the National Survey of Drug Use and Health
MM Ali, WN Dowd, T Classen, R Mutter, SP Novak
Addictive behaviors 69, 65-77, 2017
Effect of increased alcohol consumption during COVID‐19 pandemic on alcohol‐associated liver disease: a modeling study
J Julien, T Ayer, EB Tapper, C Barbosa, WN Dowd, J Chhatwal
Hepatology 75 (6), 1480-1490, 2022
Substance use disorder treatment admissions and state-level prenatal substance use policies: Evidence from a national treatment database
KB Kozhimannil, WN Dowd, MM Ali, P Novak, J Chen
Addictive behaviors 90, 272-277, 2019
Forecasting the burden of cardiovascular disease and stroke in the United States through 2050—prevalence of risk factors and disease: a presidential advisory from the American …
KE Joynt Maddox, MSV Elkind, HJ Aparicio, Y Commodore-Mensah, ...
Circulation 150 (4), e65-e88, 2024
The cost‐effectiveness of brief intervention versus brief treatment of Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) in the United States
C Barbosa, A Cowell, W Dowd, J Landwehr, A Aldridge, J Bray
Addiction 112, 73-81, 2017
Forecasting the economic burden of cardiovascular disease and stroke in the United States through 2050: a presidential advisory from the American Heart Association
DS Kazi, MSV Elkind, A Deutsch, WN Dowd, P Heidenreich, O Khavjou, ...
Circulation 150 (4), e89-e101, 2024
Screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment in the emergency department: an examination of health care utilization and costs
JL Pringle, DK Kelley, SM Kearney, A Aldridge, W Dowd, W Johnjulio, ...
Medical Care 56 (2), 146-152, 2018
The mental health consequences of nonmedical prescription drug use among adolescents
MM Ali, D Dean Jr, R Lipari, WN Dowd, AP Aldridge, SP Novak
J Ment Health Policy Econ 18 (1), 3-15, 2015
The relative impact of brief treatment versus brief intervention in primary health‐care screening programs for substance use disorders
A Aldridge, W Dowd, J Bray
Addiction 112, 54-64, 2017
Return on investment of a work–family intervention: Evidence from the work, family, and health network
C Barbosa, JW Bray, WN Dowd, MJ Mills, P Moen, B Wipfli, R Olson, ...
Journal of occupational and environmental medicine 57 (9), 943-951, 2015
Alcohol consumption during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States: Results from a nationally representative longitudinal survey
C Barbosa, WN Dowd, A Barnosky, KJ Karriker-Jaffe
Journal of Addiction Medicine 17 (1), e11-e17, 2023
Cost of screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment in health care settings
C Barbosa, AJ Cowell, J Landwehr, W Dowd, JW Bray
Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 60, 54-61, 2016
Sustaining SBIRT in the wild: simulating revenues and costs for Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment programs
AJ Cowell, WN Dowd, MJ Mills, JM Hinde, JW Bray
Addiction 112, 101-109, 2017
Program-and service-level costs of seven screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment programs
JW Bray, E Mallonee, W Dowd, A Aldridge, AJ Cowell, J Vendetti
Substance abuse and rehabilitation, 63-73, 2014
The relationship between end‐of‐treatment alcohol use and subsequent healthcare costs: do heavy drinking days predict higher healthcare costs?
AP Aldridge, GA Zarkin, WN Dowd, JW Bray
Alcoholism: clinical and experimental research 40 (5), 1122-1128, 2016
The impact of the abuse-deterrent reformulation of extended-release OxyContin on prescription pain reliever misuse and heroin initiation
C Wolff, WN Dowd, MM Ali, C McClellan, A Meinhofer, L Glos, R Mutter, ...
Addictive behaviors 105, 106268, 2020
A time and motion study of Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment implementation in health‐care settings
AJ Cowell, WN Dowd, J Landwehr, C Barbosa, JW Bray
Addiction 112, 65-72, 2017
Modeling the impact of COVID‐19 pandemic‐driven increases in alcohol consumption on health outcomes and hospitalization costs in the United States
C Barbosa, WN Dowd, SJ Neuwahl, J Rehm, S Imtiaz, GA Zarkin
Addiction 118 (1), 48-60, 2023
Economic evaluation of interventions to address opioid misuse: a systematic review of methods used in simulation modeling studies
C Barbosa, WN Dowd, G Zarkin
Value in Health 23 (8), 1096-1108, 2020
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