Mónica Toro Manríquez
Mónica Toro Manríquez
Dra. en Cs. Agrarias y Forestales, Ing. Forestal
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The influence of canopy-layer composition on understory plant diversity in southern temperate forests
L Mestre, M Toro-Manríquez, R Soler, A Huertas-Herrera, ...
Forest ecosystems 4, 1-13, 2017
MASTREE+: Time‐series of plant reproductive effort from six continents
A Hacket‐Pain, JJ Foest, IS Pearse, JM LaMontagne, WD Koenig, ...
Global Change Biology 28 (9), 3066-3082, 2022
Mapping the status of the North American beaver invasion in the Tierra del Fuego archipelago
A Huertas Herrera, MV Lencinas, M Toro Manríquez, JA Miller, ...
PLoS One 15 (4), e0232057, 2020
Knowledge arising from long-term research of variable retention harvesting in Tierra del Fuego: where do we go from here?
GJ Martínez Pastur, YM Rosas, M Toro Manríquez, A Huertas Herrera, ...
Ecological Processes 8, 1-16, 2019
Manejo de la quema de pastizales de sabana inundable: Una mirada del pueblo originario Sáliva en Colombia
A Huertas Herrera, BLG Baptiste Ballera, M Toro Manríquez, ...
Chungará (Arica) 51 (1), 167-176, 2019
Synergies and trade-offs of national conservation policy and agro-forestry management over forest loss in Argentina during the last decade
GJ Martínez Pastur, T Schlichter, SD Matteucci, JH Gowda, ...
Latin America in times of global environmental change, 135-155, 2020
Conservation values of understory vascular plants in even- and uneven-aged Nothofagus antarctica forests
GJ Martínez Pastur, YM Rosas, JM Cellini, MD Barrera, ...
Biodiversity and Conservation 29, 3783-3805, 2020
Canopy composition and site are indicative of mineral soil conditions in Patagonian mixed Nothofagus forests
M Toro-Manríquez, R Soler, MV Lencinas, Á Promis
Annals of Forest Science 76, 1-14, 2019
The politics behind scientific knowledge: Sustainable forest management in Latin America
R Soler, C Lorenzo, J González, L Carboni, J Delgado, M Díaz, ...
Forest Policy and Economics 131, 102543, 2021
Forest canopy-cover composition and landscape influence on bryophyte communities in Nothofagus forests of southern Patagonia
MDR Toro Manríquez, V Ardiles, Á Promis, A Huertas Herrera, R Soler, ...
PLoS One 15 (11), e0232922, 2020
Suitable conditions for natural regeneration in variable retention harvesting of southern Patagonian Nothofagus pumilio forests
MDR Toro Manríquez, JM Cellini, MV Lencinas, PL Peri, KA Peña Rojas, ...
Ecological Processes 8, 1-12, 2019
Influencia del micrositio y la exposición en la regeneración de bosques de Nothofagus pumilio afectados por Castor canadensis en Tierra del Fuego: un análisis exploratorio
M Toro Manríquez, Á Promis, A Huertas Herrera, G Martínez Pastur
Bosque (Valdivia) 39 (3), 431-440, 2018
Flowering and seeding patterns in pure and mixed Nothofagus forests in Southern Patagonia
M Toro-Manríquez, L Mestre, MV Lencinas, Á Promis, G Martínez-Pastur, ...
Ecological Processes 5 (1), 21, 2016
Rehabilitation of Nothofagus pumilio forests in Chilean Patagonia: can fencing and planting season effectively protect against exotic European hare browsing?
A Huertas Herrera, Á Promis, M Toro-Manríquez, MV Lencinas, ...
New Forests 53 (3), 469-485, 2022
The influence of canopy-layer composition on understory plant diversity in southern temperate forests. For Ecosyst 4: 6
L Mestre, M Toro-Manríquez, R Soler, A Huertas-Herrera, ...
Social media reveal visitors’ interest in flora and fauna species of a forest region
A Huertas Herrera, MDR Toro-Manríquez, R Soler Esteban, C Lorenzo, ...
Ecosystems and People 19 (1), 2155248, 2023
Inferring population dynamic trends of Nothofagus pumilio and N. betuloides in coastal and mountain forests of Tierra del Fuego: contrasting from flowering to seedling survival …
MDR Toro-Manríquez, R Soler, A Huertas Herrera, MV Lencinas, ...
Trees 36 (1), 199-213, 2022
Latin America in times of global environmental change
C Lorenzo
Springer, 2019
Relationships among livestock, structure, and regeneration in Chilean Austral Macrozone temperate forests
AH Herrera, MDR Toro-Manríquez, JS Sanhueza, FR Guínez, ...
Trees, Forests and People 13, 100426, 2023
Changes in vegetation of flooded savannas subject to cattle grazing and fire in plains of Colombia
AH Herrera, BLGB Ballera, MDR Toro-Manríquez, MV Lencinas, ...
Land 10 (2), 108, 2021
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