Фурс, Александр Николаевич (АН Фурс, AN Furs)
Фурс, Александр Николаевич (АН Фурс, AN Furs)
Belarusian State University, Physics Department, 4 Nezavisimosti Av., 220030 Minsk, Belarus
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Integral formalism for surface electromagnetic waves in bianisotropic media
VM Galynsky, AN Furs, LM Barkovsky
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 37 (18), 5083, 2004
General existence conditions of polaritons in anisotropic, superconductive and isotropic systems
AN Furs, LM Barkovsky
Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics 1 (2), 109, 1999
Surface polaritons in symmetry planes of biaxial crystals
AN Furs, VM Galynsky, LM Barkovsky
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 38 (37), 8083, 2005
Operator Methods for Describing Optical Fields in Complex Media
LM Barkovsky, AN Furs
Minsk: Belaruskaya Nauka, 2003
Integral formalism for surface polaritons at the boundary between two anisotropic media
AN Furs, LM Barkovsky
Microwave and Optical Technology Letters 14 (5), 301-305, 1997
Операторные методы описания оптических полей в сложных средах
ЛМ Барковский, АН Фурс
Беларуская навука, 2003
Surface polaritons at the planar interface of twinned dielectric gyrotropic media
AN Furs, LM Barkovsky
Electromagnetics 28 (3), 146-161, 2008
A new type of surface polaritons at the interface of the magnetic gyrotropic media
AN Furs, LM Barkovsky
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 40 (2), 309, 2006
Surface electromagnetic waves in Faraday media
AN Furs, LM Barkovsky
Technical Physics 48, 385-392, 2003
Maxwell's square roots from the metric tensors of wave surfaces and branches of solutions of the photon and phonon wave equations
LM Barkovsky, AN Furs
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 30 (13), 4665, 1997
Dispersionless surface polaritons at twist boundaries of crystals and in a transition layer between the crystals
AN Furs, VM Galynsky, LM Barkovsky
Optics and spectroscopy 98, 454-461, 2005
Factorization of integro-differential equations of the acoustics of dispersive viscoelastic anisotropic media and the tensor integral operators of wave packet velocities
LM Barkovsky, AN Furs
Acoustical Physics 48 (2), 128-132, 2002
Complex Maxwell groups in the description of evanescent photons
AN Furs, ML Barkovsky
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 31 (14), 3241, 1998
Reflection and transmission of weakly inhomogeneous anisotropic and bianisotropic layers calculated by perturbation method
AN Furs, TA Alexeeva
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 41 (6), 065203, 2008
Factorization of integro-differential equations of optics of dispersive anisotropic media and tensor integral operators of wave packet velocities
LM Barkovskiĭ, AN Furs
Optics and Spectroscopy 90, 561-567, 2001
Eikonal groups ofphoton and phonon propagators in one-dimensional structures
LM Barkovsky, AN Furs
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 33 (16), 3241, 2000
Surface electromagnetic waves in 1D optically active photonic crystals
AN Furs
Journal of Optics 13 (5), 055103, 2011
Бездисперсионные поверхностные поляритоны на границах кручения кристаллов и в переходном слое между ними
АН Фурс, ВМ Галынский, ЛМ Барковский
Поверхностные электромагнитные волны в фарадеевских средах
АН Фурс, ЛМ Барковский
Журнал технической физики 73 (4), 9-16, 2003
Refractive index tensors in connection with problems of photon scattering
LM Barkovsky, AN Furs
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 32 (11), 2061, 1999
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