Rodolfo Paranhos
Rodolfo Paranhos
Instituto de Biologia, UFRJ
Подтвержден адрес электронной почты в домене biologia.ufrj.br
An extensive reef system at the Amazon River mouth
RL Moura, GM Amado-Filho, FC Moraes, PS Brasileiro, PS Salomon, ...
Science advances 2 (4), e1501252, 2016
Environmental and sanitary conditions of Guanabara Bay, Rio de Janeiro
GO Fistarol, FH Coutinho, APB Moreira, T Venas, A Cánovas, ...
Frontiers in microbiology 6, 1232, 2015
Exploring the diversity of bacterial communities in sediments of urban mangrove forests
NC Marcial Gomes, LR Borges, R Paranhos, FN Pinto, ...
FEMS Microbiology Ecology 66 (1), 96-109, 2008
Abrolhos bank reef health evaluated by means of water quality, microbial diversity, benthic cover, and fish biomass data
T Bruce, PM Meirelles, G Garcia, R Paranhos, CE Rezende, RL de Moura, ...
PloS one 7 (6), e36687, 2012
Hydrobiological characterization of Guanabara bay
LM Mayr, DR Tenenbaum, MC Villac, R Paranhos, CR Nogueira, ...
Coastlines of Brazil, 124-138, 1989
Environmental shaping of sponge associated archaeal communities
AS Turque, D Batista, CB Silveira, AM Cardoso, RP Vieira, FC Moraes, ...
PLoS One 5 (12), e15774, 2010
Diversity of ndo Genes in Mangrove Sediments Exposed to Different Sources of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Pollution
NCM Gomes, LR Borges, R Paranhos, FN Pinto, E Krögerrecklenfort, ...
Applied and environmental microbiology 73 (22), 7392-7399, 2007
Relationships between bacterial diversity and environmental variables in a tropical marine environment, Rio de Janeiro
RP Vieira, AM Gonzalez, AM Cardoso, DN Oliveira, RM Albano, ...
Environmental microbiology 10 (1), 189-199, 2008
Flow cytometry assessment of bacterioplankton in tropical marine environments
L Andrade, AM Gonzalez, FV Araujo, R Paranhos
Journal of microbiological methods 55 (3), 841-850, 2003
Alguns métodos para análise da água
Cadernos didáticos UFRJ 19, SR-1, 1996
Mangrove microniches determine the structural and functional diversity of enriched petroleum hydrocarbon-degrading consortia
NCM Gomes, CG Flocco, R Costa, H Junca, R Vilchez, DH Pieper, ...
FEMS Microbiology Ecology 74 (2), 276-290, 2010
Baseline assessment of mesophotic reefs of the Vitória-Trindade Seamount Chain based on water quality, microbial diversity, benthic cover and fish biomass data
PM Meirelles, GM Amado-Filho, GH Pereira-Filho, HT Pinheiro, ...
PloS one 10 (6), e0130084, 2015
Structuring of bacterioplankton diversity in a large tropical bay
GB Gregoracci, JR Nascimento, AS Cabral, R Paranhos, JL Valentin, ...
PLoS One 7 (2), e31408, 2012
Archaeal communities in a tropical estuarine ecosystem: Guanabara Bay, Brazil
RP Vieira, MM Clementino, AM Cardoso, DN Oliveira, RM Albano, ...
Microbial Ecology 54, 460-468, 2007
Diel variability of water quality in a tropical polluted bay
R Paranhos, AP Pereira, LM Mayr
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 50, 131-141, 1998
Spatial distribution of intertidal sandy beach polychaeta along an estuarine and morphodynamic gradient in an eutrophic tropical bay
EP Omena, HP Lavrado, R Paranhos, TA Silva
Marine pollution bulletin 64 (9), 1861-1873, 2012
Microbial and sponge loops modify fish production in phase‐shifting coral reefs
CB Silveira, AW Silva‐Lima, RB Francini‐Filho, JSM Marques, ...
Environmental Microbiology 17 (10), 3832-3846, 2015
Spatial patterns of distribution and the influence of seasonal and abiotic factors on demersal ichthyofauna in an estuarine tropical bay
DR da Silva Jr, R Paranhos, M Vianna
Journal of fish biology 89 (1), 821-846, 2016
Microbial community diversity and physical–chemical features of the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean
N Alves Junior, PM Meirelles, E de Oliveira Santos, B Dutilh, GGZ Silva, ...
Archives of microbiology 197, 165-179, 2015
Diversity and pathogenic potential of vibrios isolated from Abrolhos Bank corals
N Alves Jr, OSM Neto, BSO Silva, RL De Moura, RB Francini‐Filho, ...
Environmental Microbiology Reports 2 (1), 90-95, 2010
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