Общедоступные статьи - bingsheng ZhouПодробнее...
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Developmental neurotoxicity of triphenyl phosphate in zebrafish larvae
Q Shi, M Wang, F Shi, L Yang, Y Guo, C Feng, J Liu, B Zhou
Aquatic Toxicology 203, 80-87, 2018
Финансирование: Chinese Academy of Sciences, National Natural Science Foundation of China
Bioconcentration, biotransformation, and thyroid endocrine disruption of decabromodiphenyl ethane (Dbdpe), a novel brominated flame retardant, in zebrafish larvae
X Wang, S Ling, K Guan, X Luo, L Chen, J Han, W Zhang, B Mai, B Zhou
Environmental science & technology 53 (14), 8437-8446, 2019
Финансирование: Chinese Academy of Sciences, National Natural Science Foundation of China
Bioconcentration and metabolism of BDE-209 in the presence of titanium dioxide nanoparticles and impact on the thyroid endocrine system and neuronal development in zebrafish larvae
Q Wang, Q Chen, P Zhou, W Li, J Wang, C Huang, X Wang, K Lin, B Zhou
Nanotoxicology 8 (sup1), 196-207, 2014
Финансирование: National Natural Science Foundation of China
The adverse effect of TCIPP and TCEP on neurodevelopment of zebrafish embryos/larvae
R Li, H Wang, C Mi, C Feng, L Zhang, L Yang, B Zhou
Chemosphere 220, 811-817, 2019
Финансирование: Chinese Academy of Sciences, National Natural Science Foundation of China
Dysregulation of intestinal health by environmental pollutants: involvement of the estrogen receptor and aryl hydrocarbon receptor
L Chen, W Zhang, J Hua, C Hu, N Lok-Shun Lai, PY Qian, PKS Lam, ...
Environmental science & technology 52 (4), 2323-2330, 2018
Финансирование: Chinese Academy of Sciences, National Natural Science Foundation of China
Parental co-exposure to bisphenol A and nano-TiO2 causes thyroid endocrine disruption and developmental neurotoxicity in zebrafish offspring
Y Guo, L Chen, J Wu, J Hua, L Yang, Q Wang, W Zhang, JS Lee, B Zhou
Science of the Total Environment 650, 557-565, 2019
Финансирование: Chinese Academy of Sciences, National Natural Science Foundation of China
Effect of combined exposure to lead and decabromodiphenyl ether on neurodevelopment of zebrafish larvae
B Zhu, Q Wang, X Shi, Y Guo, T Xu, B Zhou
Chemosphere 144, 1646-1654, 2016
Финансирование: Chinese Academy of Sciences, National Natural Science Foundation of China
Endocrine disruption and reproduction impairment in zebrafish after long‐term exposure to DE‐71
L Yu, C Liu, Q Chen, B Zhou
Environmental toxicology and chemistry 33 (6), 1354-1362, 2014
Финансирование: National Natural Science Foundation of China
The synthetic progestin megestrol acetate adversely affects zebrafish reproduction
J Han, Q Wang, X Wang, Y Li, S Wen, S Liu, G Ying, Y Guo, B Zhou
Aquatic toxicology 150, 66-72, 2014
Финансирование: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Identification and quantification of titanium nanoparticles in surface water: A case study in Lake Taihu, China
S Wu, S Zhang, Y Gong, L Shi, B Zhou
Journal of hazardous materials 382, 121045, 2020
Финансирование: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Optical toxicity of triphenyl phosphate in zebrafish larvae
Q Shi, Z Wang, L Chen, J Fu, J Han, B Hu, B Zhou
Aquatic Toxicology 210, 139-147, 2019
Финансирование: Chinese Academy of Sciences, National Natural Science Foundation of China
A protective role of autophagy in TDCIPP-induced developmental neurotoxicity in zebrafish larvae
R Li, L Zhang, Q Shi, Y Guo, W Zhang, B Zhou
Aquatic Toxicology 199, 46-54, 2018
Финансирование: Chinese Academy of Sciences, National Natural Science Foundation of China
Impact of co-exposure with lead and decabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-209) on thyroid function in zebrafish larvae
B Zhu, Q Wang, X Wang, B Zhou
Aquatic toxicology 157, 186-195, 2014
Финансирование: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Bioconcentration and developmental neurotoxicity of novel brominated flame retardants, hexabromobenzene and pentabromobenzene in zebrafish
X Chen, W Guo, L Lei, Y Guo, L Yang, J Han, B Zhou
Environmental Pollution 268, 115895, 2021
Финансирование: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Bis (2-ethylhexyl)-2, 3, 4, 5-tetrabromophthalate affects lipid metabolism in zebrafish larvae via DNA methylation modification
W Guo, J Han, S Wu, X Shi, Q Wang, B Zhou
Environmental Science & Technology 54 (1), 355-363, 2019
Финансирование: Chinese Academy of Sciences, National Natural Science Foundation of China
Acute exposure to triphenyl phosphate (TPhP) disturbs ocular development and muscular organization in zebrafish larvae
Q Shi, MMP Tsui, C Hu, JCW Lam, B Zhou, L Chen
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 179, 119-126, 2019
Финансирование: Chinese Academy of Sciences, National Natural Science Foundation of China
Tris (1, 3-dichloro-2-propyl) phosphate induces apoptosis and autophagy in SH-SY5Y cells: Involvement of ROS-mediated AMPK/mTOR/ULK1 pathways
R Li, P Zhou, Y Guo, JS Lee, B Zhou
Food and Chemical Toxicology 100, 183-196, 2017
Финансирование: Chinese Academy of Sciences, National Natural Science Foundation of China
Characteristics of legacy and novel brominated flame retardants in water and sediment surrounding two e-waste dismantling regions in Taizhou, eastern China
S Ling, C Lu, C Peng, W Zhang, K Lin, B Zhou
Science of The Total Environment 794, 148744, 2021
Финансирование: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Disturbances in microbial and metabolic communication across the gut–liver axis induced by a dioxin-like pollutant: an integrated metagenomics and metabolomics analysis
C Hu, M Liu, T Wan, L Tang, B Sun, B Zhou, JCW Lam, PKS Lam, L Chen
Environmental Science & Technology 55 (1), 529-537, 2020
Финансирование: Chinese Academy of Sciences, National Natural Science Foundation of China
The developmental neurotoxicity of polybrominated diphenyl ethers: Effect of DE‐71 on dopamine in zebrafish larvae
X Wang, L Yang, Y Wu, C Huang, Q Wang, J Han, Y Guo, X Shi, B Zhou
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 34 (5), 1119-1126, 2015
Финансирование: National Natural Science Foundation of China
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