Общедоступные статьи - Celia B. HarrisПодробнее...
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Reaping what they sow: Benefits of remembering together in intimate couples
AJ Barnier, AC Priddis, JM Broekhuijse, CB Harris, RE Cox, DR Addis, ...
Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition 3 (4), 261-265, 2014
Финансирование: Australian Research Council
Collaboration and prospective memory: comparing nominal and collaborative group performance in strangers and couples
CA Browning, CB Harris, P Van Bergen, AJ Barnier, PG Rendell
Memory 26 (9), 1206-1219, 2018
Финансирование: Australian Research Council
The hows and whys of" we"(and" I") in groups
AJ Barnier, CB Harris, J Sutton
Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39, 2016
Финансирование: US National Institutes of Health
27 статей доступны в некоторых источниках
The functions of autobiographical memory: An integrative approach
CB Harris, AS Rasmussen, D Berntsen
Memory 22 (5), 559-581, 2014
Финансирование: Danish Council for Independent Research, Danish National Research Foundation
Couples as socially distributed cognitive systems: Remembering in everyday social and material contexts
CB Harris, AJ Barnier, J Sutton, PG Keil
Memory Studies 7 (3), 285-297, 2014
Финансирование: Australian Research Council
Shared encoding and the costs and benefits of collaborative recall.
CB Harris, AJ Barnier, J Sutton
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 39 (1), 183, 2013
Финансирование: Australian Research Council, Danish National Research Foundation
Why two heads apart are better than two heads together: Multiple mechanisms underlie the collaborative inhibition effect in memory.
SJ Barber, CB Harris, S Rajaram
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 41 (2), 559, 2015
Финансирование: US National Institutes of Health
Cue generation and memory construction in direct and generative autobiographical memory retrieval
CB Harris, AR O’Connor, J Sutton
Consciousness and cognition 33, 204-216, 2015
Финансирование: Australian Research Council
“Going episodic”: collaborative inhibition and facilitation when long-married couples remember together
CB Harris, AJ Barnier, J Sutton, PG Keil, RA Dixon
Memory 25 (8), 1148-1159, 2017
Финансирование: US National Institutes of Health, Australian Research Council, Natural …
Transactive memory in small, intimate groups: More than the sum of their parts
AJ Barnier, L Klein, CB Harris
Small Group Research 49 (1), 62-97, 2018
Финансирование: Australian Research Council
Features of successful and unsuccessful collaborative memory conversations in long‐married couples
CB Harris, AJ Barnier, J Sutton, G Savage
Topics in cognitive science 11 (4), 668-686, 2019
Финансирование: Australian Research Council
Direct and generative autobiographical memory retrieval: How different are they?
CB Harris, D Berntsen
Consciousness and cognition 74, 102793, 2019
Финансирование: Australian Research Council, Danish Council for Independent Research, Danish …
Collaborative facilitation in older couples: Successful joint remembering across memory tasks
AJ Barnier, CB Harris, T Morris, G Savage
Frontiers in Psychology 9, 2385, 2018
Финансирование: Australian Research Council
Social contagion of autobiographical memories
CB Harris, AJ Barnier, J Sutton, T Khan
Journal of applied research in memory and cognition 6 (3), 319-327, 2017
Финансирование: Australian Research Council
Mind the gap: generations of questions in the early science of collaborative recall.
AJ Barnier, CB Harris, AR Congleton
Elsevier Science 2 (2), 124, 2013
Финансирование: Australian Research Council
“They’re playing our song”: Couple-defining songs in intimate relationships
CB Harris, A Baird, SA Harris, WF Thompson
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 37 (1), 163-179, 2020
Финансирование: Australian Research Council, National Health and Medical Research Council …
Long-married couples recall their wedding day: the influence of collaboration and gender on autobiographical memory recall
A Grysman, CB Harris, AJ Barnier, G Savage
Memory 28 (1), 18-33, 2020
Финансирование: Australian Research Council
Effects of collaboration on the qualities of autobiographical recall in strangers, friends, and siblings: both remembering partner and communication processes matter
A Selwood, CB Harris, AJ Barnier, J Sutton
Memory 28 (3), 399-416, 2020
Финансирование: Australian Research Council
Life happens when you are young: Reminiscence bump in cultural life scripts regardless of number of events elicited
A Bohn, J Koppel, CB Harris
Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition 6 (3), 337-342, 2017
Финансирование: Australian Research Council, Danish National Research Foundation
Successful and unsuccessful collaborative processes in strangers and couples performing prospective memory tasks
CA Browning, CB Harris, P Van Bergen
Discourse Processes 56 (8), 655-674, 2019
Финансирование: Australian Research Council
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