Peter Troch
Peter Troch
Full Professor of Coastal Engineering, Ghent University
Подтвержден адрес электронной почты в домене ugent.be
Long-crested wave generation and absorption for SPH-based DualSPHysics model
C Altomare, JM Domínguez, AJC Crespo, J González-Cao, T Suzuki, ...
Coastal Engineering 127, 37-54, 2017
Application of a buoyancy-modified k-ω SST turbulence model to simulate wave run-up around a monopile subjected to regular waves using OpenFOAM®
B Devolder, P Rauwoens, P Troch
Coastal Engineering 125, 81-94, 2017
SPH simulation of floating structures with moorings
JM Domínguez, AJC Crespo, M Hall, C Altomare, M Wu, V Stratigaki, ...
Coastal Engineering 153, 103560, 2019
A review of numerical modelling of wave energy converter arrays
M Folley, A Babarit, B Child, D Forehand, L O’Boyle, K Silverthorne, ...
International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 44946 …, 2012
Performance of a buoyancy-modified k-ω and k-ω SST turbulence model for simulating wave breaking under regular waves using OpenFOAM®
B Devolder, P Troch, P Rauwoens
Coastal Engineering 138, 49-65, 2018
EurOtop-Manual on wave overtopping of sea defences and related structures. An overtopping manual largely based on European research, but for worldwide application.
JW Van der Meer, NWH Allsop, T Bruce, J De Rouck, A Kortenhaus, ...
-, 2016
Wave basin experiments with large wave energy converter arrays to study interactions between the converters and effects on other users in the sea and the coastal area
V Stratigaki, P Troch, T Stallard, D Forehand, JP Kofoed, M Folley, ...
Energies 7 (2), 701-734, 2014
Application of the time-dependent mild-slope equations for the simulation of wake effects in the lee of a farm of Wave Dragon wave energy converters
C Beels, P Troch, K De Visch, JP Kofoed, G De Backer
Renewable energy 35 (8), 1644-1661, 2010
Manual on wave overtopping of sea defences and related structures
JW Van Der Meer, NWH Allsop, T Bruce, J De Rouck, A Kortenhaus, ...
An overtopping manual largely based on European research, but for worldwide …, 2018
Scaling of core material in rubble mound breakwater model tests
HF Burcharth, Z Liu, P Troch
Fifth International Conference on Coastal and Port Engineering in Developing …, 1999
Determination of the Manning roughness coefficient influenced by vegetation in the river Aa and Biebrza river
L De Doncker, P Troch, R Verhoeven, K Bal, P Meire, J Quintelier
Environmental fluid mechanics 9, 549-567, 2009
Wave overtopping over a sea dike
T Li, P Troch, J De Rouck
Journal of Computational Physics 198 (2), 686-726, 2004
Wave overtopping over a sea dike
L Tingqiu, P Troch, J Rouck
Journal of Computational Physics 198, 2004
Efficient and robust wave overtopping estimation for impermeable coastal structures in shallow foreshores using SWASH
T Suzuki, C Altomare, W Veale, T Verwaest, K Trouw, P Troch, M Zijlema
Coastal Engineering 122, 108-123, 2017
Empirical design of scour protections around monopile foundations. Part 2: Dynamic approach
L De Vos, J De Rouck, P Troch, P Frigaard
Coastal Engineering 60, 286-298, 2012
An active wave generating–absorbing boundary condition for VOF type numerical model
P Troch, J De Rouck
Coastal Engineering 38 (4), 223-247, 1999
Numerical implementation and sensitivity analysis of a wave energy converter in a time-dependent mild-slope equation model
C Beels, P Troch, G De Backer, M Vantorre, J De Rouck
Coastal Engineering 57 (5), 471-492, 2010
Empirical design of scour protections around monopile foundations: Part 1: Static approach
L De Vos, J De Rouck, P Troch, P Frigaard
Coastal Engineering 58 (6), 540-553, 2011
Effect of lubrication layer on velocity profile of concrete in a pumping pipe
HD Le, EH Kadri, S Aggoun, J Vierendeels, P Troch, G De Schutter
Materials and Structures 48, 3991-4003, 2015
Effects of Wind Waves versus Ship Waves on Tidal Marsh Plants: A Flume Study on Different Life Stages of Scirpus maritimus
A Silinski, M Heuner, J Schoelynck, S Puijalon, U Schröder, E Fuchs, ...
PLoS One 10 (3), e0118687, 2015
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