Общедоступные статьи - Matteo FischettiПодробнее...
33 статьи доступны в некоторых источниках
Deep neural networks and mixed integer linear optimization
M Fischetti, J Jo
Constraints 23 (3), 296-309, 2018
Финансирование: Government of Italy, Vienna Science and Technology Fund, Austria
Redesigning Benders decomposition for large-scale facility location
M Fischetti, I Ljubić, M Sinnl
Management Science 63 (7), 2146-2162, 2016
Финансирование: Austrian Science Fund, European Commission, Government of Italy, Vienna …
A new general-purpose algorithm for mixed-integer bilevel linear programs
M Fischetti, I Ljubić, M Monaci, M Sinnl
Operations Research 65 (6), 1615-1637, 2017
Финансирование: Austrian Science Fund, Government of Italy, Vienna Science and Technology …
Benders decomposition without separability: A computational study for capacitated facility location problems
M Fischetti, I Ljubić, M Sinnl
European Journal of Operational Research 253 (3), 557-569, 2016
Финансирование: Austrian Science Fund, European Commission, Government of Italy, Vienna …
On handling indicator constraints in mixed integer programming
P Belotti, P Bonami, M Fischetti, A Lodi, M Monaci, A Nogales-Gómez, ...
Computational Optimization and Applications 65, 545-566, 2016
Финансирование: European Commission, Government of Italy
On the use of intersection cuts for bilevel optimization
M Fischetti, I Ljubić, M Monaci, M Sinnl
Mathematical Programming 172 (1), 77-103, 2018
Финансирование: Austrian Science Fund, Government of Italy, Vienna Science and Technology …
Thinning out Steiner trees: a node-based model for uniform edge costs
M Fischetti, M Leitner, I Ljubic, M Luipersbeck, M Monaci, M Resch, ...
Финансирование: Austrian Science Fund, European Commission, Government of Italy
Interdiction Games and Monotonicity, with Application to Knapsack Problems
M Fischetti, I Ljubic, M Monaci, M Sinnl
INFORMS Journal on Computing 31 (3), 390-410, 2019
Финансирование: Austrian Science Fund, Government of Italy, Vienna Science and Technology …
Proximity search for 0-1 mixed-integer convex programming
M Fischetti, M Monaci
Journal of Heuristics 20 (6), 709-731, 2014
Финансирование: Government of Italy
Exploiting erraticism in search
M Fischetti, M Monaci
Operations Research 62 (1), 114-122, 2014
Финансирование: Government of Italy
Backdoor branching
M Fischetti, M Monaci
INFORMS Journal on Computing 25 (4), 693-700, 2013
Финансирование: Government of Italy
Using a general-purpose mixed-integer linear programming solver for the practical solution of real-time train rescheduling
M Fischetti, M Monaci
European Journal of Operational Research 263 (1), 258-264, 2017
Финансирование: Government of Italy, Vienna Science and Technology Fund, Austria
Proximity Benders: a decomposition heuristic for stochastic programs
N Boland, M Fischetti, M Monaci, M Savelsbergh
Journal of Heuristics 22, 181-198, 2016
Финансирование: Government of Italy
Learning to search in local branching
D Liu, M Fischetti, A Lodi
Proceedings of the aaai conference on artificial intelligence 36 (4), 3796-3803, 2022
Финансирование: Government of Italy
A branch-and-cut algorithm for mixed-integer bilinear programming
M Fischetti, M Monaci
European Journal of Operational Research 282 (2), 506-514, 2020
Финансирование: Government of Italy, Vienna Science and Technology Fund, Austria
Array designer: automated optimized array design for functional near-infrared spectroscopy
S Brigadoi, D Salvagnin, M Fischetti, RJ Cooper
Neurophotonics 5 (3), 035010-035010, 2018
Финансирование: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Improving branch-and-cut performance by random sampling
M Fischetti, A Lodi, M Monaci, D Salvagnin, A Tramontani
Mathematical Programming Computation 8, 113-132, 2016
Финансирование: Government of Italy
A dynamic reformulation heuristic for Generalized Interdiction Problems
M Fischetti, M Monaci, M Sinnl
European Journal of Operational Research 267 (1), 40-51, 2018
Финансирование: Austrian Science Fund, Government of Italy, Vienna Science and Technology …
Boosting the feasibility pump
NL Boland, AC Eberhard, FG Engineer, M Fischetti, MWP Savelsbergh, ...
Mathematical Programming Computation 6, 255-279, 2014
Финансирование: Government of Italy
Least cost influence propagation in (social) networks
M Fischetti, M Kahr, M Leitner, M Monaci, M Ruthmair
Mathematical Programming 170 (1), 293-325, 2018
Финансирование: Government of Italy
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