Tomas Barot
Tomas Barot
Department of Mathematics with Didactics, Faculty of Education, University of Ostrava, Czech
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Particular analysis of normality of data in applied quantitative research
M Vaclavik, Z Sikorova, T Barot
Computational and Statistical Methods in Intelligent Systems 2, 353-365, 2019
Marker placement reliability and objectivity for biomechanical cohort study: Healthy Aging in Industrial Environment (HAIE—Program 4)
J Malus, J Skypala, JF Silvernail, J Uchytil, J Hamill, T Barot, D Jandacka
Sensors 21 (5), 1830, 2021
Comparison of discrete autocorrelation functions with regards to statistical significance
T Barot, H Burgsteiner, W Kolleritsch
Applied Informatics and Cybernetics in Intelligent Systems: Proceedings of …, 2020
Applied quadratic programming with principles of statistical paired tests
T Barot, R Krpec, M Kubalcik
Computational Statistics and Mathematical Modeling Methods in Intelligent …, 2019
Alternative approach to fisher’s exact test with application in pedagogical research
T Barot, R Krpec
Computational and Statistical Methods in Intelligent Systems 2, 50-59, 2019
Analysis of applied mobile technologies in university math education
L Korenova, T Barot, R Krpec, I Veress-Bagyi
EDULEARN19 Proceedings, 6744-6748, 2019
Approach of process modeling applied in particular pedagogical research
M Vaclavik, Z Sikorova, T Barot
Cybernetics and Automation Control Theory Methods in Intelligent Algorithms …, 2019
Possibilities of process modeling in pedagogical cybernetics based on control-system-theory approaches
T Barot
Cybernetics and Mathematics Applications in Intelligent Systems: Proceedings …, 2017
Identification of similarities in approaches to paired comparisons in visual arts education
M Cieslar, T Koudela, G Pienias, T Barot
Software Engineering Perspectives in Intelligent Systems: Proceedings of 4th …, 2020
Modified Hildreth’s method applied in multivariable model predictive control
M Kubalcik, V Bobal, T Barot
Innovation, Engineering and Entrepreneurship, 75-81, 2019
Geometrical modelling applied on particular constrained optimization problems
L Korenova, R Vagova, T Barot, R Krpec
Proceedings of the Computational Methods in Systems and Software, 178-188, 2020
Predictive control of non-minimum phase systems
T Barot, M Kubalčik
Proceedings of the 2014 15th International Carpathian Control Conference …, 2014
Combining brute force and IT to solve difficult problems
J Hvorecký, L Korenova, T Barot
Proc. 27th Asian Technol. Conf. Math., 2022
Skewness in applied analysis of normality
M Vaclavik, Z Sikorova, T Barot
Proceedings of the Computational Methods in Systems and Software, 927-937, 2020
Locus of control analysed with regards to non-traditional tertiary students of education
J Malach, D Vicherková, T Barot
Studia paedagogica 25 (4), 135-159, 2020
Confirmation of cybernetical modelling in applied research of resilience
T Barot, L Lackova
Informatics and Cybernetics in Intelligent Systems: Proceedings of 10th …, 2021
University students’ study habits related to the use of study resources
Z Sikorova, I Cervenkova, M Vaclavic, T Barot
IARTEM e-Journal 11 (2), 2019
Complemented adaptive control strategy with application in pedagogical cybernetics
T Barot
Cybernetics and Algorithms in Intelligent Systems: Proceedings of 7th …, 2019
Analysis of Cardinal-Variables' Dependences Regarding Models' Structures in Applied Research of PISA
M Vaclavik, T Barot, A Valisova, I Cervenkova, Z Sikorova
2022 7th International Conference on Mathematics and Computers in Sciences …, 2022
Influence of temperature and transmitted power on losses in particular transmission system
L Rudolf, T Barot, M Bernát, Ľ Žáčok, M Kubalčík, J Švejda
WSEAS Transactions on Power Systems, 2022
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