Stephen MacAvoy
Stephen MacAvoy
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Isotopic turnover in aquatic predators: quantifying the exploitation of migratory prey
SE MacAvoy, SA Macko, GC Garman
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 58 (5), 923-932, 2001
Correlation of metabolism with tissue carbon and nitrogen turnover rate in small mammals
SE MacAvoy, LS Arneson, E Bassett
Oecologia 150, 190-201, 2006
Growth versus metabolic tissue replacement in mouse tissues determined by stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis
SE MacAvoy, SA Macko, LS Arneson
Canadian Journal of Zoology 83 (5), 631-641, 2005
Use of chemosynthetic biomass by large, mobile, benthic predators in the Gulf of Mexico
SE MacAvoy, RS Carney, CR Fisher, SA Macko
Marine Ecology Progress Series 225, 65-78, 2002
Marine nutrient contributions to freshwater apex predators
SE MacAvoy, SA Macko, SP McIninch, GC Garman
Oecologia 122, 568-573, 2000
Carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur diet–tissue discrimination in mouse tissues
LS Arneson, SE MacAvoy
Canadian Journal of Zoology 83 (7), 989-995, 2005
Porewater stoichiometry of terminal metabolic products, sulfate, and dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen in estuarine intertidal creek-bank sediments
NB Weston, WP Porubsky, VA Samarkin, M Erickson, SE Macavoy, ...
Biogeochemistry 77, 375-408, 2006
Relationship between water quality, δ15N, and aspergillosis of Caribbean sea fan corals
DM Baker, SE MacAvoy, K Kim
Marine Ecology Progress Series 343, 123-130, 2007
Nutritional associations among fauna at hydrocarbon seep communities in the Gulf of Mexico
SE MacAvoy, CR Fisher, RS Carney, SA Macko
Marine Ecology Progress Series 292, 51-60, 2005
Anadromous fish as marine nutrient vectors
SE MacAvoy, GC Garman, SA Macko
Survival of brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) embryos and fry in streams of different acid sensitivity in Shenandoah National Park, USA
SE MacAvoy, AJ Bulger
Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 85, 445-450, 1995
Geochemical characteristics of an urban river: Influences of an anthropogenic landscape
NP Connor, S Sarraino, DE Frantz, K Bushaw-Newton, SE MacAvoy
Applied Geochemistry 47, 209-216, 2014
Links between chemosynthetic production and mobile predators on the Louisiana continental slope: stable carbon isotopes of specific fatty acids
SE MacAvoy, SA Macko, RS Carney
Chemical Geology 201 (3-4), 229-237, 2003
Tracing marine biomass into tidal freshwater ecosystems using stable sulfur isotopes
SE MacAvoy, SA Macko, GC Garman
The Science of Nature 85, 544-546, 1998
Contribution of catabolic tissue replacement to the turnover of stable isotopes in Danio rerio
RA Tarboush, SE MacAvoy, SA Macko, V Connaughton
Canadian Journal of Zoology 84 (10), 1453-1460, 2006
Fatty acid carbon isotope signatures in chemosynthetic mussels and tube worms from Gulf of Mexico hydrocarbon seep communities
SE MacAvoy, SA Macko, SB Joye
Chemical Geology 185 (1-2), 1-8, 2002
Stable isotope variation among the mussel Bathymodiolus childressi and associated heterotrophic fauna at four cold-seep communities in the Gulf of Mexico
SE MacAvoy, RS Carney, E Morgan, SA Macko
Journal of Shellfish Research 27 (1), 147-151, 2008
Chemoautotrophic production incorporated by heterotrophs in Gulf of Mexico hydrocarbon seeps: an examination of mobile benthic predators and seep residents
SE MacAvoy, E Morgan, RS Carney, SA Macko
Journal of Shellfish Research 27 (1), 153-161, 2008
Metabolic protein replacement drives tissue turnover in adult mice
LS Arneson, S MacAvoy, E Basset
Canadian Journal of Zoology 84 (7), 992-1002, 2006
The association of water chemistry variables and fish condition in streams of Shenandoah National Park (USA)
TE Dennis, SE MacAvoy, MB Steg, AJ Bulger
Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 85, 365-370, 1995
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