Sajjad Shafiei
Sajjad Shafiei
Подтвержден адрес электронной почты в домене swin.edu.au
A simple contagion process describes spreading of traffic jams in urban networks
M Saberi, H Hamedmoghadam, M Ashfaq, SA Hosseini, Z Gu, S Shafiei, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 1616, 2020
Optimal distance-and time-dependent area-based pricing with the Network Fundamental Diagram
Z Gu, S Shafiei, Z Liu, M Saberi
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 95, 1-28, 2018
Calibration and validation of a simulation-based dynamic traffic assignment model for a large-scale congested network
S Shafiei, Z Gu, M Saberi
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 86, 169-186, 2018
Macroscopic dynamics and the collapse of urban traffic
LE Olmos, S Çolak, S Shafiei, M Saberi, MC González
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (50), 12654-12661, 2018
Impact of self-parking autonomous vehicles on urban traffic congestion
S Shafiei, Z Gu, H Grzybowska, C Cai
Transportation 50 (1), 183-203, 2023
Sensitivity-Based Linear Approximation Method to Estimate Time-Dependent Origin–Destination Demand in Congested Networks
S Shafiei, M Saberi, A Zockaie, M Sarvi
Transportation Research Record 2669 (1), 72-79, 2017
Integrating data-driven and simulation models to predict traffic state affected by road incidents
S Shafiei, AS Mihăiţă, H Nguyen, C Cai
Transportation Letters 14 (6), 629-639, 2022
Estimating time-dependent origin–destination demand from traffic counts: extended gradient method
M Shafiei, M Nazemi, S Seyedabrishami
Transportation Letters 7 (4), 210-218, 2015
Short-Term Traffic Prediction Under Non-Recurrent Incident Conditions Integrating Data-Driven Models and Traffic Simulation
S Shafiei, AS Mihaita, H Nguyen, C Bentley, C Cai
Transportation Research Board 99th Annual Meeting, 2020
Application of an exact gradient method to estimate dynamic origin-destination demand for melbourne network
S Shafiei, M Saberi, M Sarvi
2016 IEEE 19th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation …, 2016
Deployment and Calibration of a Large-Scale Mesoscopic Dynamic Traffic Assignment Model of Melbourne, Australia
S Shafiei, Z Gu, M Sarvi, M Saberi
96th Annual Meeting Transportation Research Board. Washington, DC, 2017
Integration of Departure Time Choice Modeling and Dynamic Origin–Destination Demand Estimation in a Large-Scale Network
S Shafiei, M Saberi, HL Vu
Transportation Research Record 2674 (9), 972-981, 2020
Demand Estimation and Prediction for Short-term Traffic Forecasting in Existence of Non-recurrent Incidents
S Shaffiei, AS Mihăiţă, C Cai
ITS World Congress 2019 (ITSWC2019), Singapore, 2019
An Open GMNS Dataset of a Dynamic Multi-modal Transportation Network Model of Melbourne, Australia
F Nourmohammadi, M Mansourianfar, S Shafiei, Z Gu, M Saberi
Data 6 (2), 21, 2021
Ramp Metering Strategy Implementation: A Case Study Review
H Grzybowska, K Wijayaratna, S Shafiei, N Amini, S Travis Waller
Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems 148 (5), 03122002, 2022
Off-line calibration of a macroscopic dynamic traffic assignment model: iterative demand-supply parameters estimation
S Seyedabrishami, M Nazemi, M Shafiei
17th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems …, 2014
Traffic disruption modelling with mode shift in multi-modal networks
D Zhao, AS Mihăiţă, Y Ou, S Shafiei, H Grzybowska, K Qin, G Tan, M Li, ...
2022 IEEE 25th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation …, 2022
Comparative Evaluation of Road Pricing Schemes: A Simulation Approach (Australian Perspective)
T Munir, H Dia, S Shafiei, H Ghaderi
Sustainability 15 (23), 16366, 2023
An Agent-Based Simulation Approach for Urban Road Pricing Considering the Integration of Autonomous Vehicles With Public Transport
S Shafiei, H Dia, W Wu, H Grzybowska, AK Qin
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2023
Training Physics-Informed Neural Networks via Multi-Task Optimization for Traffic Density Prediction
B Wang, AK Qin, S Shafiei, H Dia, AS Mihaita, H Grzybowska
2023 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 1-7, 2023
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