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Coral mound development at the Campeche cold-water coral province, southern Gulf of Mexico: Implications of Antarctic Intermediate Water increased influence during interglacials
L Matos, C Wienberg, J Titschack, G Schmiedl, N Frank, F Abrantes, ...
Marine Geology 392, 53-65, 2017
Финансирование: German Research Foundation, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal
The response of the Bering Sea gateway during the mid-pleistocene transition
Z Stroynowski, F Abrantes, E Bruno
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 485, 974-985, 2017
Финансирование: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal
Reconstruction of organochlorine compound inputs in the Tagus Prodelta
M Mil-Homens, M Vicente, JO Grimalt, C Micaelo, F Abrantes
Science of the Total Environment 540, 231-240, 2016
Финансирование: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal, European Commission
Surface and deep water variability in the Western Mediterranean (ODP Site 975) during insolation cycle 74: High-resolution calcareous plankton and molecular biomarker signals
O Quivelli, M Marino, T Rodrigues, A Girone, P Maiorano, F Abrantes, ...
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 542, 109583, 2020
Финансирование: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal
Comparing spatial and temporal changes in metal trends (Cr, Ni, Pb and Zn) on the Portuguese shelf since the 1970s
M Mil-Homens, RL Stevens, I Cato, F Abrantes
Environmental monitoring and assessment 186, 6327-6340, 2014
Финансирование: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal
Variability of Coccolithophore Assemblages in the Summer Water Column of the Western Iberian Margin (August 2022)
M González-Martín, AS Rigual Hernández, E Salgueiro, F Abrantes, ...
Available at SSRN 4845510, 2022
Финансирование: European Commission, Government of Spain
53 статьи доступны в некоторых источниках
Mediterranean outflow strengthening during northern hemisphere coolings: a salt source for the glacial Atlantic?
AHL Voelker, SM Lebreiro, J Schönfeld, I Cacho, H Erlenkeuser, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 245 (1-2), 39-55, 2006
Финансирование: German Research Foundation
A reference time scale for Site U1385 (Shackleton Site) on the SW Iberian Margin
D Hodell, L Lourens, S Crowhurst, T Konijnendijk, R Tjallingii, ...
Global and Planetary Change 133, 49-64, 2015
Финансирование: UK Natural Environment Research Council
Climate variability across the last deglaciation in NW Iberia and its margin
F Naughton, MFS Goñi, T Rodrigues, E Salgueiro, S Costas, S Desprat, ...
Quaternary International 414, 9-22, 2016
Финансирование: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal
Past circulation along the western Iberian margin: a time slice vision from the Last Glacial to the Holocene
E Salgueiro, F Naughton, AHL Voelker, L de Abreu, A Alberto, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 106, 316-329, 2014
Финансирование: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal, European Commission
Deep-sea Fe-Mn crusts from the northeast Atlantic Ocean: composition and resource considerations
SB Muinos, JR Hein, M Frank, JH Monteiro, L Gaspar, T Conrad, ...
Marine Georesources & Geotechnology 31 (1), 40-70, 2013
Финансирование: German Research Foundation
A 1-Ma record of sea surface temperature and extreme cooling events in the North Atlantic: A perspective from the Iberian Margin
T Rodrigues, M Alonso-García, DA Hodell, M Rufino, F Naughton, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 172, 118-130, 2017
Финансирование: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal, UK Natural Environment …
Hydrographic conditions along the western Iberian margin during marine isotope stage 2
AHL Voelker, L De Abreu, J Schönfeld, H Erlenkeuser, F Abrantes
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 10 (12), 2009
Финансирование: German Research Foundation
Coccolithophore biodiversity controls carbonate export in the Southern Ocean
AS Rigual Hernández, TW Trull, SD Nodder, JA Flores, H Bostock, ...
Biogeosciences 17 (1), 245-263, 2020
Финансирование: European Commission
The complexity of millennial-scale variability in southwestern Europe during MIS 11
D Oliveira, S Desprat, T Rodrigues, F Naughton, D Hodell, R Trigo, ...
Quaternary Research 86 (3), 373-387, 2016
Финансирование: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal
The" Shackleton Site"(IODP Site U1385) on the Iberian Margin
DA Hodell, L Lourens, DAV Stow, J Hernández-Molina, ...
Scientific Drilling 16, 13-19, 2013
Финансирование: UK Natural Environment Research Council
Provenance of organic matter and nutrient conditions on a river-and upwelling influenced shelf: A case study from the Portuguese Margin
U Alt-Epping, M Mil-Homens, D Hebbeln, F Abrantes, RR Schneider
Marine Geology 243 (1-4), 169-179, 2007
Финансирование: German Research Foundation
The climate of the Common Era off the Iberian Peninsula
F Abrantes, T Rodrigues, M Rufino, E Salgueiro, D Oliveira, S Gomes, ...
Climate of the Past 13 (12), 1901-1918, 2017
Финансирование: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal, European Commission
Unraveling the forcings controlling the vegetation and climate of the best orbital analogues for the present interglacial in SW Europe
D Oliveira, S Desprat, Q Yin, F Naughton, R Trigo, T Rodrigues, ...
Climate Dynamics 51, 667-686, 2018
Финансирование: National Fund for Scientific Research, Belgium, Fundação para a Ciência e a …
Diatoms Si uptake capacity drives carbon export in coastal upwelling systems
F Abrantes, P Cermeno, C Lopes, O Romero, L Matos, J Van Iperen, ...
Biogeosciences 13 (14), 4099-4109, 2016
Финансирование: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal
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