Jennifer Strunk
Jennifer Strunk
Head of Research Department, Leibniz Institute for Catalysis; Professor, University of Rostock
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Catalysis of carbon dioxide photoreduction on nanosheets: fundamentals and challenges
Z Sun, N Talreja, H Tao, J Texter, M Muhler, J Strunk, J Chen
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 57 (26), 7610-7627, 2018
On the role of oxygen defects in the catalytic performance of zinc oxide
S Polarz, J Strunk, V Ischenko, MWE Van den Berg, O Hinrichsen, ...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 45 (18), 2965-2969, 2006
Photocatalytic Reduction of CO2 by Metal‐Free‐Based Materials: Recent Advances and Future Perspective
H Shen, T Peppel, J Strunk, Z Sun
Solar RRL 4 (8), 1900546, 2020
Active Sites on Oxide Surfaces: ZnO‐Catalyzed Synthesis of Methanol from CO and H2
M Kurtz, J Strunk, O Hinrichsen, M Muhler, K Fink, B Meyer, C Wöll
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 44 (18), 2790-2794, 2005
Visible-light photocurrent response of TiO 2–polyheptazine hybrids: Evidence for interfacial charge-transfer absorption
M Bledowski, L Wang, A Ramakrishnan, OV Khavryuchenko, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 13 (48), 21511-21519, 2011
A Study of Oxygen Vacancy Formation and Annihilation in Submonolayer Coverages of TiO2 Dispersed on MCM-48
J Strunk, WC Vining, AT Bell
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114 (40), 16937-16945, 2010
The surface chemistry of ZnO nanoparticles applied as heterogeneous catalysts in methanol synthesis
J Strunk, K Kähler, X Xia, M Muhler
Surface science 603 (10-12), 1776-1783, 2009
The influence of strongly reducing conditions on strong metal–support interactions in Cu/ZnO catalysts used for methanol synthesis
RN d’Alnoncourt, X Xia, J Strunk, E Löffler, O Hinrichsen, M Muhler
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 8 (13), 1525-1538, 2006
Fabrication of Gold/Titania Photocatalyst for CO2 Reduction Based on Pyrolytic Conversion of the Metal–Organic Framework NH2-MIL-125(Ti) Loaded with Gold …
K Khaletskaya, A Pougin, R Medishetty, C Rosler, C Wiktor, J Strunk, ...
Chemistry of Materials 27 (21), 7248-7257, 2015
Au/ZnO as catalyst for methanol synthesis: The role of oxygen vacancies
J Strunk, K Kaehler, X Xia, M Comotti, F Schueth, T Reinecke, M Muhler
Applied Catalysis A: General 359 (1-2), 121-128, 2009
Multi-dimensional zinc oxide (ZnO) nanoarchitectures as efficient photocatalysts: What is the fundamental factor that determines photoactivity in ZnO?
JS Chang, J Strunk, MN Chong, PE Poh, JD Ocon
Journal of hazardous materials 381, 120958, 2020
Photocatalytic nitrogen reduction to ammonia: Insights into the role of defect engineering in photocatalysts
H Shen, M Yang, L Hao, J Wang, J Strunk, Z Sun
Nano Research, 1-37, 2021
Influence of photodeposited gold nanoparticles on the photocatalytic activity of titanate species in the reduction of CO2 to hydrocarbons
B Mei, A Pougin, J Strunk
Journal of catalysis 306, 184-189, 2013
Nanostructure in energy conversion
S Buller, J Strunk
Journal of Energy Chemistry 25 (2), 171-190, 2016
Probing the reactivity of ZnO and Au/ZnO nanoparticles by methanol adsorption: a TPD and DRIFTS study
K Kähler, MC Holz, M Rohe, J Strunk, M Muhler
ChemPhysChem 11 (12), 2521-2529, 2010
Synthesis of Different CeO2 Structures on Mesoporous Silica and Characterization of Their Reduction Properties
J Strunk, WC Vining, AT Bell
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 115 (10), 4114-4126, 2011
Photocatalytic CO2 Reduction Under Continuous Flow High‐Purity Conditions: Quantitative Evaluation of CH4 Formation in the Steady‐State
M Dilla, R Schlögl, J Strunk
ChemCatChem 9 (4), 696-704, 2017
Atomic-Scale Explanation of O2 Activation at the Au–TiO2 Interface
N Siemer, A Lüken, M Zalibera, J Frenzel, D Muñoz-Santiburcio, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 140 (51), 18082-18092, 2018
Photocatalytic CO2 Reduction under Continuous Flow High‐Purity Conditions: Influence of Light Intensity and H2O Concentration
M Dilla, A Mateblowski, S Ristig, J Strunk
ChemCatChem 9 (23), 4345-4352, 2017
Identification and exclusion of intermediates of photocatalytic CO 2 reduction on TiO 2 under conditions of highest purity
A Pougin, M Dilla, J Strunk
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18 (16), 10809-10817, 2016
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