Professor  Vladimir  Nikora
Professor Vladimir Nikora
Sixth Century Chair in Environmental Fluid Mechanics, University of Aberdeen
Подтвержден адрес электронной почты в домене abdn.ac.uk
Despiking acoustic Doppler velocimeter data
DG Goring, VI Nikora
Journal of hydraulic engineering 128 (1), 117-126, 2002
Spatially averaged open-channel flow over rough bed
V Nikora, D Goring, I McEwan, G Griffiths
Journal of Hydraulic engineering 127 (2), 123-133, 2001
Double-averaging concept for rough-bed open-channel and overland flows: Theoretical background
V Nikora, I McEwan, S McLean, S Coleman, D Pokrajac, R Walters
Journal of hydraulic Engineering 133 (8), 873-883, 2007
Flow turbulence over fixed and weakly mobile gravel beds
V Nikora, D Goring
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 126 (9), 679-690, 2000
Linking scales of flow variability to lotic ecosystem structure and function
BJF Biggs, VI Nikora, TH Snelder
River research and applications 21 (2‐3), 283-298, 2005
Hydrodynamics of aquatic ecosystems: An interface between ecology, biomechanics and environmental fluid mechanics
V Nikora
River research and applications 26 (4), 367-384, 2010
ADV measurements of turbulence: Can we improve their interpretation?
VI Nikora, DG Goring
Journal of hydraulic engineering 124 (6), 630-634, 1998
Subsidy and stress responses of stream periphyton to gradients in water velocity as a function of community growth form
BJF Biggs, DG Goring, VI Nikora
Journal of Phycology 34 (4), 598-607, 1998
On gravel‐bed roughness characterization
VI Nikora, DG Goring, BJF Biggs
Water Resources Research 34 (3), 517-527, 1998
Statistical properties of armored gravel bed surfaces
J Aberle, V Nikora
Water Resources Research 42 (11), 2006
On bed particle diffusion in gravel bed flows under weak bed load transport
V Nikora, H Habersack, T Huber, I McEwan
Water Resources Research 38 (6), 17-1-17-9, 2002
Velocity distribution in the roughness layer of rough-bed flows
V Nikora, K Koll, I McEwan, S McLean, A Dittrich
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 130 (10), 1036-1042, 2004
Double-averaging concept for rough-bed open-channel and overland flows: Applications
V Nikora, S McLean, S Coleman, D Pokrajac, I McEwan, L Campbell, ...
Journal of hydraulic Engineering 133 (8), 884-895, 2007
Turbulence structure of open channel flows over permeable and impermeable beds: A comparative study
C Manes, D Pokrajac, I McEwan, V Nikora
Physics of Fluids 21 (12), 2009
Hydraulic resistance due to aquatic vegetation in small streams: field study
V Nikora, S Larned, N Nikora, K Debnath, G Cooper, M Reid
Journal of hydraulic engineering 134 (9), 1326-1332, 2008
Effects of bed material properties on cohesive sediment erosion
J Aberle, V Nikora, R Walters
Marine Geology 207 (1-4), 83-93, 2004
Effects of fish size, time‐to‐fatigue and turbulence on swimming performance: a case study of Galaxias maculatus
VI Nikora, J Aberle, BJF Biggs, IG Jowett, JRE Sykes
Journal of Fish Biology 63 (6), 1365-1382, 2003
Fractal structures of river plan forms
VI Nikora
Water resources research 27 (6), 1327-1333, 1991
Turbulence characteristics of New Zealand gravel-bed rivers
VI Nikora, GM Smart
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 123 (9), 764-773, 1997
Statistical sand wave dynamics in one-directional water flows
VI Nikora, AN Sukhodolov, PM Rowinski
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 351, 17-39, 1997
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