R Jegadeeshwaran
R Jegadeeshwaran
Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT University), Chennai.
Подтвержден адрес электронной почты в домене vit.ac.in
Fault diagnosis of automobile hydraulic brake system using statistical features and support vector machines
R Jegadeeshwaran, V Sugumaran
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 52, 436 - 446, 2015
A machine learning approach for vibration-based multipoint tool insert health prediction on vertical machining centre (VMC)
AD Patange, R Jegadeeshwaran
Measurement 173, 108649, 2021
Comparative study of decision tree classifier and best first tree classifier for fault diagnosis of automobile hydraulic brake system using statistical features
R Jegadeeshwaran, V Sugumaran
Measurement 46 (9), 3247-3260, 2013
Determination of minimum sample size for fault diagnosis of automobile hydraulic brake system using power analysis
V Indira, R Vasanthakumari, R Jegadeeshwaran, V Sugumaran
Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal 18 (1), 59 - 69, 2015
Brake fault diagnosis using Clonal Selection Classification Algorithm (CSCA) - A statistical learning approach
R. Jegadeeshwaran, V Sugumaran.
Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal 18 (1), 14 - 23, 2015
Vibration based brake health monitoring using wavelet features: A machine learning approach
TM Alamelu Manghai, R Jegadeeshwaran
Journal of vibration and control 25 (18), 2534-2550, 2019
A Bayesian optimized discriminant analysis model for condition monitoring of face milling cutter using vibration datasets
NS Bajaj, AD Patange, R Jegadeeshwaran, KA Kulkarni, RS Ghatpande, ...
Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, Diagnostics and Prognostics of …, 2022
Application of bayesian family classifiers for cutting tool inserts health monitoring on CNC milling
AD Patange, R Jegadeeshwaran
International Journal of Prognostics and Health Management 11 (2), 1-13, 2020
Milling cutter condition monitoring using machine learning approach
AD Patange, R Jegadeeshwaran, NC Dhobale
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 624 (1), 012030, 2019
Application of metaheuristic optimization based support vector machine for milling cutter health monitoring
NS Bajaj, AD Patange, R Jegadeeshwaran, SS Pardeshi, KA Kulkarni, ...
Intelligent Systems with Applications 18, 200196, 2023
Application of Machine Learning for Tool Condition Monitoring in Turning
AD Patange, R Jegadeeshwaran, NS Bajaj, AN Khairnar, NA Gavade
Sound and Vibration 55 (2), 87-116, 2022
Condition monitoring of FSW tool using vibration analysis–A machine learning approach
K Balachandar, R Jegadeeshwaran, D Gandhikumar
Materials Today: Proceedings 27, 2970-2974, 2020
Augmentation of decision tree model through hyper-parameters tuning for monitoring of cutting tool faults based on vibration signatures
AD Patange, SS Pardeshi, R Jegadeeshwaran, A Zarkar, K Verma
Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies 11 (8), 3759-3777, 2023
Friction stir welding tool condition monitoring using vibration signals and Random forest algorithm–A Machine learning approach
K Balachandar, R Jegadeeshwaran
Materials Today: Proceedings 46 (2), 1174-1180, 2021
Review on tool condition classification in milling: A machine learning approach
AD Patange, R Jegadeeshwaran
Materials Today: Proceedings 46 (2), 1106-1115, 2021
Deep learning algorithms for tool condition monitoring in milling: A review
SS Patil, SS Pardeshi, AD Patange, R Jegadeeshwaran
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1969 (1), 012039, 2021
Improving program outcome attainments using project based learning approach for: UG course-mechatronics
AD Patange, AK Bewoor, SP Deshmukh, SS Mulik, SS Pardeshi, ...
Journal of Engineering Education Transformations 33 (1), 1-8, 2019
Digital twin-driven tool condition monitoring for the milling process
S Natarajan, M Thangamuthu, S Gnanasekaran, J Rakkiyannan
Sensors 23 (12), 5431, 2023
A white-box SVM framework and its swarm-based optimization for supervision of toothed milling cutter through characterization of spindle vibrations
TY Deo, AD Patange, SS Pardeshi, R Jegadeeshwaran, AN Khairnar, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.08421, 2021
Design of bagged tree ensemble for carbide coated inserts fault diagnosis
HS Khade, AD Patange, SS Pardeshi, R Jegadeeshwaran
Materials Today: Proceedings 46 (2), 1283-1289, 2021
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