David Huston
David Huston
Research Scientist, Geoscience Australia
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The alteration box plot: A simple approach to understanding the relationship between alteration mineralogy and lithogeochemistry associated with volcanic-hosted massive sulfide …
RR Large, JB Gemmell, H Paulick, DL Huston
Economic geology 96 (5), 957-971, 2001
Sediment-hosted lead-zinc deposits in Earth history
DL Leach, DC Bradley, D Huston, SA Pisarevsky, RD Taylor, SJ Gardoll
Economic Geology 105 (3), 593-625, 2010
Trace elements in sulfide minerals from eastern Australian volcanic-hosted massive sulfide deposits; Part I, Proton microprobe analyses of pyrite, chalcopyrite, and sphalerite …
DL Huston, SH Sie, GF Suter, DR Cooke, RA Both
Economic Geology 90 (5), 1167-1196, 1995
Barite, BIFs and bugs: evidence for the evolution of the Earth’s early hydrosphere
DL Huston, GA Logan
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 220 (1-2), 41-55, 2004
Short wavelength infrared (SWIR) spectral analysis of hydrothermal alteration zones associated with base metal sulfide deposits at Rosebery and Western Tharsis, Tasmania, and …
W Herrmann, M Blake, M Doyle, D Huston, J Kamprad, N Merry, S Pontual
Economic Geology 96 (5), 939-955, 2001
A chemical model for the concentration of gold in volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits
DL Huston, RR Large
Ore geology reviews 4 (3), 171-200, 1989
Stable isotopes and their significance for understanding the genesis of volcanic-hosted massive sulfide deposits: a review
DL Huston
The geology and metallogeny of volcanic-hosted massive sulfide deposits: Variations through geologic time and with tectonic setting
DL Huston, S Pehrsson, BM Eglington, K Zaw
Economic Geology 105 (3), 571-591, 2010
Metallogeny and its link to orogenic style during the Nuna supercontinent cycle
SJ Pehrsson, BM Eglington, DAD Evans, D Huston, SM Reddy
Making it thick: a volcanic plateau origin of Palaeoarchean continental lithosphere of the Pilbara and Kaapvaal cratons
MJ Van Kranendonk, RH Smithies, WL Griffin, DL Huston, AH Hickman, ...
Australian Zn-Pb-Ag ore-forming systems: a review and analysis
DL Huston, B Stevens, PN Southgate, P Muhling, L Wyborn
Economic Geology 101 (6), 1117-1157, 2006
Hyperspectral mapping of mineral assemblages associated with gold mineralization in the Central Pilbara, Western Australia
P Bierwirth, D Huston, R Blewett
Economic Geology 97 (4), 819-826, 2002
The role of granites in volcanic-hosted massive sulphide ore-forming systems: an assessment of magmatic–hydrothermal contributions
DL Huston, JMRS Relvas, JB Gemmell, S Drieberg
Mineralium Deposita 46, 473-507, 2011
Gold in volcanic-hosted massive sulfide deposits: distribution, genesis, and exploration
DL Huston
Crustal architecture and geodynamics of North Queensland, Australia: Insights from deep seismic reflection profiling
RJ Korsch, DL Huston, RA Henderson, RS Blewett, IW Withnall, ...
Tectonophysics 572, 76-99, 2012
Geologic and geochemical controls on the mineralogy and grain size of gold-bearing phases, eastern Australian volcanic-hosted massive sulfide deposits
DL Huston, RS Bottrill, RA Creelman, K Zaw, TR Ramsden, SW Rand, ...
Economic Geology 87 (3), 542-563, 1992
Gold distribution and genesis in Australian volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits and their significance for gold transport models
RR Large, DL Huston, PJ McGoldrick, PA Ruxton, G McArthur
Stratigraphy, structure, and volcanic-hosted mineralization of the Mount Windsor Subprovince, North Queensland, Australia
RF Berry, DL Huston, AJ Stolz, AP Hill, SD Beams, U Kuronen, A Taube
Economic Geology 87 (3), 739-763, 1992
Australia through time: a summary of its tectonic and metallogenic evolution
DL Huston, RS Blewett, DC Champion
Episodes 35 (1), 23-43, 2012
The molecular and isotopic effects of hydrothermal alteration of organic matter in the Paleoproterozoic McArthur River Pb/Zn/Ag ore deposit
KH Williford, K Grice, GA Logan, J Chen, D Huston
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 301 (1-2), 382-392, 2011
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