Rita  Rosa Pla
Rita Rosa Pla
Head of Departement of Nuclear Chemistry, GAATN, CNEA
Подтвержден адрес электронной почты в домене cae.cnea.gov.ar
Heavy metal and trace element concentrations in wheat grains: assessment of potential non-carcinogenic health hazard through their consumption
GMA Bermudez, R Jasan, R Plá, ML Pignata
Journal of Hazardous Materials 193, 264-271, 2011
Heavy metals and trace elements in atmospheric fall-out: their relationship with topsoil and wheat element composition
GMA Bermudez, R Jasan, R Plá, ML Pignata
Journal of hazardous materials 213, 447-456, 2012
Atmospheric quality and distribution of heavy metals in Argentina employing Tillandsia capillaris as a biomonitor
ML Pignata, GL Gudiño, ED Wannaz, RR Plá, CM González, HA Carreras, ...
Environmental Pollution 120 (1), 59-68, 2002
Heavy metal pollution in topsoils near a cement plant: the role of organic matter and distance to the source to predict total and HCl-extracted heavy metal concentrations
GMA Bermudez, M Moreno, R Invernizzi, R Plá, ML Pignata
Chemosphere 78 (4), 375-381, 2010
Characterization and determination of 28 elements in fly ashes collected in a thermal power plant in Argentina using different instrumental techniques
J Marrero, G Polla, RJ Rebagliati, R Plá, D Gómez, P Smichowski
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 62 (2), 101-108, 2007
Distribution of atmospheric trace elements and assesment of air quality in Argentina employing the lichen, Ramalina celastri, as a passive biomonitor: detection of air …
ML Pignata, RR Plá, RC Jasan, MS Martínez, JH Rodriguez, ED Wannaz, ...
International Journal of Environment and Health 1 (1), 29-46, 2007
Evaluating top soil trace element pollution in the vicinity of a cement plant and a former open-cast uranium mine in central Argentina
GMA Bermudez, M Moreno, R Invernizzi, R Plá, ML Pignata
Journal of soils and sediments 10 (7), 1308-1323, 2010
La explotación del alfar de la Troya en el tiempo: casualidad o memoria (Departamento Tinogasta, Catamarca, Argentina)
N Ratto, M Orgaz, R Plá
Chungará (Arica) 36 (2), 351-363, 2004
Producción y distribución de bienes cerámicos durante la ocupación Inca entre la región puneña de Chaschuil y el valle de Abaucán (Dpto. Tinogasta, Catamarca)
N Ratto, M Orgaz, R Plá
Relaciones-Sociedad Argentina de Antropología, 271-301, 2002
Intercomparison among three activation analysis laboratories in South America
CS Munita, RP Paiva, PMS Oliveira, EF Momosea, R Plá, M Moreno, ...
Journal of trace and microprobe techniques 19 (2), 189-197, 2001
Toxic element determination in fish from Paraná River Delta (Argentina) by neutron activation analysis: Tissue distribution and accumulation and health risk assessment by …
E Avigliano, C Lozano, RR Plá, AV Volpedo
Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 54, 27-36, 2016
On the use of the lichen Ramalina celastri (Spreng.) Krog. & Swinsc. as an indicator of atmospheric pollution in the province of Córdoba, Argentina, considering …
R Jasan, T Verburg, H Wolterbeek, R Plá, M Pignata
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 259 (1), 93-97, 2004
Ocupación de pisos de altura y contexto de producción cerámica durante el Formativo: El caso de la región puneña de Chaschuil y su relación con el Bolsón de Fiambalá (Depto …
N Ratto, M Orgaz, G De La Fuente, R Plá
Estudios atacameños, 51-69, 2002
Identification of atmospheric trace-element sources by passive biomonitoring employing PCA and variogram analysis
ED Wannaz, CA Harguinteguy, R Jasan, RR Pla, ML Pignata
International Journal of Environmental and Analytical Chemistry 88 (4), 229-243, 2008
La producción alfarera en el bolsón de Fiambalá (Departamento Tinogasta, Catamarca) y su alcance extra-regional
N Ratto, A Feely, R Plá
Cerámicas Arqueológicas: Perspectivas Arqueométricas para su Análisis e …, 2007
Trace elements deposition in the Tierra del Fuego region (south Patagonia) by using lichen transplants after the Puyehue-Cordón Caulle (north Patagonia) volcanic eruption in 2011
ME Conti, R Jasan, MG Finoia, I Iavicoli, R Plá
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23 (7), 6574-6583, 2016
Provenance archaeological studies of ceramic raw materials and artefacts using instrumental neutron activation analysis: the cases of Chaschuil and Bolsón de Fiambalá …
RR Plá, N Ratto
Provenience archaeological studies of ceramic raw material and artifacts using instrumental neutron activation analysis: the cases of Chaschuil and Bolsón de Fiambalá …
RR Pla, N Ratto
La cerámica local de la quebrada del río Las Pitas (Catamarca). Aportes a la circulación de personas, saberes y objetos en Antofagasta de la Sierra durante el Tardío
V Puente, R Plá, R Invernizzi
Relaciones-Sociedad Argentina de Antropología 42 (1), 35-61, 2017
Archaeometry at the argentine national atomic energy commission: Characterization of Argentine Northwestern pottery
RR Plá, NR Ratto
Archaeometry 49 (2), 413-420, 2007
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