Constantin Marin
Constantin Marin
"Emil Racovita" Institute of Speleology of the Romanian Academy
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Plants accumulating heavy metals in the Danube River wetlands
ML Matache, C Marin, L Rozylowicz, A Tudorache
Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering 11, 1-7, 2013
Total and potentially active bacterial communities entrapped in a late glacial through holocene ice core from Scarisoara Ice Cave, Romania
VI Paun, G Icaza, P Lavin, C Marin, A Tudorache, A Perşoiu, C Dorador, ...
Frontiers in microbiology 10, 1193, 2019
Transfer of environmental signals from the surface to the underground at Ascunsă Cave, Romania
V Drăguşin, S Balan, D Blamart, FL Forray, C Marin, I Mirea, V Nagavciuc, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 21 (10), 5357-5373, 2017
Thermo-mineral waters from the Cerna Valley basin (Romania)
I Povara, G Simion, C Marin
Studia UBB Geologia 53 (2), 41-54, 2008
Spatial distribution patterns of the hyporheic invertebrate communities in a polluted river in Romania
OT Moldovan, E Levei, C Marin, M Banciu, HL Banciu, C Pavelescu, ...
Hydrobiologia 669 (1), 63-82, 2011
Assessing the contents of arsenic and of some heavy metals in surface flows and in the hyporheic zone of the Arieş stream catchment area, Romania
C Marin, OT Moldovan, A Tudorache, I Povară, G Rajka
Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 5 (1), 13-24, 2010
Barium concentrations and speciation in mineral natural waters of central Romania
A Tudorache, C Marin, IA Badea, L Vlădescu
Environmental monitoring and assessment 165, 113-123, 2010
High-throughput sequencing of fungal communities across the perennial ice block of Scărișoara Ice Cave
A Mondini, J Donhauser, C Itcus, C Marin, A Perșoiu, P Lavin, B Frey, ...
Annals of Glaciology 59 (77), 134-146, 2018
Possible conduit‐matrix water exchange signatures outlined at a karst spring
H Mitrofan, C Marin, I Povară
Groundwater 53 (S1), 113-122, 2015
Hydrochemical considerations in the lower Cerna river basin
C Marin
Theoretical and Applied Karstology 1, 173-182, 1984
Hercule thermomineral spring. Hydrogeological and hydrochemical considerations
I Povara, C Marin
Aluminium Determination and Speciation Modelling in Groundwater from the Area of a Future Radioactive Waste Repository
C Marin, A Tudorache, L Vlădescu
Revista de Chimie 61 (5), 431-438, 2010
In-house validation of a UV spectrometric method for measurement of nitrate concentration in natural groundwater samples
A Tudorache, DE Ioniţă, NM Marin, C Marin, IA Badea
Accreditation and Quality Assurance 22, 29-35, 2017
Geology and dynamics of underground waters in Cerna Valley/Băile Herculane (Romania)
G Ponta, I Povară, EG Isverceanu, BP Onac, C Marin, A Tudorache
Carbonates and Evaporites 28, 31-39, 2013
Determination of arsenic content of some Romanian natural mineral groundwaters
A Tudorache, C Marin, IA Badea, L Vlădescu
Environmental monitoring and assessment 173, 79-89, 2011
Modelling solubility of CO2 into pure water and electrolites aqueous solutions
C Marin, C Pătroescu
Revista de Chimie 57 (7), 669-674, 2006
The geochemistry of groundwater from southeastern Dobrogea, Romania
C Marin, T Nicolescu
Trav. Inst. Spéol" E. Racovitza 32, 229-247, 1993
Chiroptere din România: ghid instructiv şi educativ
V Decu, D Murariu, V Gheorghiu, C Marin
Institutul de Speologie" Emil Racoviţă, 2003
Possible conduitmatrix water exchange signatures outlined at a karst spring. Groundwater 53: 113-122
H Mitrofan, C Marin, I Povară
Karst systems within the southern Carpathians structure (Romania)
I Povara, M Conovici, CM Munteanu, C Marin, ED Ionita
Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 10 (2), 5-17, 2015
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