S. K. Sharma
S. K. Sharma
Professor (Retd.), Department of Physics, Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur India
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Diffusion in metallic glasses and supercooled melts
F Faupel, W Frank, MP Macht, H Mehrer, V Naundorf, K Rätzke, ...
Reviews of modern physics 75 (1), 237, 2003
A room temperature HSGFET ammonia sensor based on iridium oxide thin film
A Karthigeyan, RP Gupta, K Scharnagl, M Burgmair, SK Sharma, I Eisele
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 85 (1-2), 145-153, 2002
Surface oxidation of amorphous Zr 65 Cu 17.5 Ni 10 Al 7.5 and Zr 46.75 Ti 8.25 Cu 7.5 Ni 10 Be 27.5
SK Sharma, T Strunskus, H Ladebusch, F Faupel
Materials Science and Engineering: A 304, 747-752, 2001
Some correlations for diffusion in amorphous alloys
SK Sharma, SB Kuldeep, AK Jain
Journal of Materials Research 4 (3), 603-606, 1989
Low temperature NO2 sensitivity of nano-particulate SnO2 film for work function sensors
A Karthigeyan, RP Gupta, K Scharnagl, M Burgmair, M Zimmer, ...
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 78 (1-3), 69-72, 2001
A comparative study of thin film diffusion measurements in metallic glasses by Rutherford backscattering spectrometry and Auger electron spectroscopy
SK Sharma, S Banerjee, AK Jain
Thin solid films 164, 33-36, 1988
Effects of air annealing on chemincally deposited CdS films exmained by XPS and XRD
S Kolhe, SK Kuljarni, AS Nigavekar, SK Sharma
Solar energy materials 10 (1), 47-54, 1984
Enhanced NO 2 sensing using ZnO–TiO 2 nanocomposite thin films
R Vyas, S Sharma, P Gupta, YK Vijay, AK Prasad, AK Tyagi, K Sachdev, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 554, 59-63, 2013
Impurity-diffusion investigations in amorphous Ti 60 Ni 40
SK Sharma, MP Macht, V Naundorf
Physical Review B 49 (10), 6655, 1994
The impact of O2/Ar ratio on morphology and functional properties in reactive sputtering of metal oxide thin films
A Vahl, J Dittmann, J Jetter, S Veziroglu, S Shree, N Ababii, O Lupan, ...
Nanotechnology 30 (23), 235603, 2019
Crystallization Kinetics of CuxTi100− x (x= 43, 50 and 53) Glasses
R Jain, NS Saxena, D Bhandari, SK Sharma, KVR Rao
Physica B: Condensed Matter 301 (3-4), 341-348, 2001
Effect of precursors on the morphology and surface area of LaFeO3
N Sharma, SK Sharma, K Sachdev
Ceramics International 45 (6), 7217-7225, 2019
A SIMS investigation of impurity diffusion in amorphous Fe40Ni40B20
SK Sharma, MP Macht, V Naundorf
Acta metallurgica et materialia 40 (9), 2439-2449, 1992
XPS study of the initial oxidation of the bulk metallic glass Zr46.75Ti8.25Cu7.5Ni10Be27.5
SK Sharma, T Strunskus, H Ladebusch, V Zaporojtchenko, F Faupel
Journal of materials science 43 (16), 5495-5503, 2008
Kuldeep and AK Jain
SK Sharma, S Banerjee
J. Mater. Res 4, 603, 1989
Influence of oxidation temperature, film thickness and substrate on NO 2 sensing of SnO 2 ultra thin films
A Karthigeyan, RP Gupta, M Burgmair, SK Sharma, I Eisele
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 87 (2), 321-330, 2002
Study of oxidation behaviour of Zr-based bulk amorphous alloy Zr65Cu17.5Ni10Al7.5 by thermogravimetric analyser
A Dhawan, K Raetzke, F Faupel, SK Sharma
Bulletin of Materials Science 24 (3), 281-283, 2001
Potentiodynamic polarization studies on bulk amorphous alloys and Zr46. 75Ti8. 25Cu7. 5Ni10Be27. 5 and Zr65Cu17. 5Ni10Al7. 5
A Dhawan, S Roychowdhury, PK De, SK Sharma
Journal of non-crystalline solids 351 (10-11), 951-955, 2005
Study of amorphous and crystallised Fe75B25 by Auger electron spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
SK Sharma, S Hofmann
Applied surface science 51 (3-4), 139-155, 1991
Correlation between effective activation energy and pre-exponential factor for diffusion in bulk metallic glasses
SK Sharma, F Faupel
Journal of materials research 14 (8), 3200-3203, 1999
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