Dhanraj ganapathy

Dhanraj ganapathy

Professor Department of Prosthodontics, Saveetha Dental College
Citat de 5879 ori
Ahed Al-Wahadni

Ahed Al-Wahadni

Professor of Dentistry, Jordan University of Science and Technology
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe just.edu.jo
Citat de 3303 ori
Prof.Dr.Naseer Ahmed

Prof.Dr.Naseer Ahmed

Professor of Prosthodontics, PhD, FCPS, BDS, Altamash Institute of Dental Medicine …
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe altamash.pk
Citat de 2988 ori
Fabian Huettig

Fabian Huettig

Acting Deputy Head, Department of Prosthodontics, Tuebingen University
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe med.uni-tuebingen.de
Citat de 2665 ori
Amélie Mainjot

Amélie Mainjot

Professor and Clinical Chief, University and University Hospital Center of Liège
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe chuliege.be
Citat de 2555 ori
Mohammed Ayedh AlQahtani

Mohammed Ayedh AlQahtani

Assisstant professor of prosthetic scince,King Saud university
Citat de 2015 ori
shalabh kumar

shalabh kumar

Teerthankar Mahaveer Dental College, Teerthankar Mahaveer University
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe tmu.ac.in
Citat de 1430 ori
Sandra Altarawneh

Sandra Altarawneh

Associate Professor, Prosthodontics, The University of Jordan
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe ju.edu.jo
Citat de 1378 ori
Mohamed Abdelmageed Awad

Mohamed Abdelmageed Awad

Professor of Fixed Prosthodontics, Faculty of dentistry, Tanta University, Egypt
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe dent.tanta.edu.eg
Citat de 1365 ori
Abdulaziz Samran

Abdulaziz Samran

Associate Professor, College of Dentistry, Dar Aluloom University
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe dau.edu.sa
Citat de 1243 ori
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