Timothy Read
Timothy Read
Senior Lecturer in Computer Science (UNED). Vice President (EDEN)
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Applications of a collaborative learning ontology
B Barros, MF Verdejo, T Read, R Mizoguchi
Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 301-310, 2002
Analysing student participation in Foreign Language MOOCs: a case study
E Bárcena, T Read, E Martín-Monje, MD Castrillo
EMOOCs 2014: European MOOCs Stakeholders Summit, 11-17, 2014
The role of a mobile app for listening comprehension training in distance learning to sustain student motivation
T Read, A Kukulska-Hulme
Journal of Universal Computer Science 21 (10), 1327-1338, 2015
Virtual collaborative experimentation: An approach combining remote and local labs
B Barros, T Read, MF Verdejo
IEEE Transactions on Education 51 (2), 242-250, 2008
Languages for specific purposes in the digital era
E Bárcena, T Read, J Arús
Springer International Publishing, 2014
The Architectonics of Language MOOCs
T Read
Language MOOCs: Providing Learning, Transcending Boundaries, 91-105, 2015
Coalescing individual and collaborative learning to model user linguistic competences
T Read, B Barros, E Bárcena, J Pancorbo
User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction 16, 349-376, 2006
State of the Art of Language Learning Design Using Mobile Technology: Sample Apps and Some Critical Reflection.
E Bárcena, T Read, J Underwood, H Obari, D Cojocnean, T Koyama, ...
Research-publishing. net, 2015
Toward mobile assisted language learning apps for professionals that integrate learning into the daily routine
A Pareja-Lora, J Arús-Hita, E Martín Monje, T Read, L Pomposo Yanes, ...
Proceedings of EUROCALL 20, 206-210, 2013
Potentiating the human dimension in Language MOOCs
E Barcena, E Martin-Monje, T Read
Proceedings of the European Stakeholder Summit on experiences and best …, 2015
A system for the specification and development of an environment for distributed CSCL scenarios
MF Verdejo, B Barros, T Read, M Rodriguez-Artacho
Intelligent Tutoring Systems: 6th International Conference, ITS 2002 …, 2002
Towards a quality model for UNED MOOCs
T Read, C Rodrigo
Proceedings of the European MOOC Stakeholder Summit, 282-287, 2014
Metacognition as scaffolding for the development of listening comprehension in a social MALL App
T Read, E Barcena
RIED. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación a Distancia 19 (1), 103-120, 2016
Los sistemas de enseñanza de inglés para fines específicos basados en el aprendiente
E Bárcena, T Read
RIED-Revista Iberoamericana de Educación a Distancia 6 (2), 41-54, 2003
Ciclope chemical: a remote laboratory to control a spectrograph
R Cedazo, FM Sanchez, JM Sebastian, A Martínez, A Pinazo, B Barros, ...
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 39 (6), 517-522, 2006
Supporting listening comprehension by social network-based interaction in mobile assisted language learning
T Read, A Kukulska-Hulme, EB Madera
Porta Linguarum: revista internacional de didáctica de las lenguas …, 2021
The Importance of Forum Interaction and Success Rates in Language MOOCs.
E Martín-Monje, T Read, E Barcena
EMOOCs-WIP, 10-15, 2017
UNED OER experience: from OCW to open UNED
S Ros, R Hernández, T Read, M Rodrı, R Pastor, G Dı
IEEE Transactions on education 57 (4), 248-254, 2014
Virtual communities adapted to the EHEA in an enterprise distance e-learning based environment
R Pastor, T Read, S Ros, R Hernández, R Hernández
Online Communities and Social Computing: Third International Conference …, 2009
An approximation to inclusive language in LMOOCs based on appraisal theory
E Barcena, T Read, B Sedano
Open Linguistics 6 (1), 38-67, 2020
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