Pulsed laser deposited vanadium oxide thin films for uncooled infrared detectors RTR Kumar, B Karunagaran, D Mangalaraj, SK Narayandass, P Manoravi, ...
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 107 (1), 62-67, 2003
112 2003 Room temperature deposited vanadium oxide thin films for uncooled infrared detectors RTR Kumar, B Karunagaran, D Mangalaraj, SK Narayandass, P Manoravi, ...
Materials research bulletin 38 (7), 1235-1240, 2003
82 2003 Study of a pulsed laser deposited vanadium oxide based microbolometerarray B Karunagaran, D Mangalaraj, SK Narayandass, P Manoravi, M Joseph, ...
Smart materials and structures 12 (2), 188, 2003
58 2003 Magnetite nanoparticle decorated reduced graphene oxide composite as an efficient and recoverable adsorbent for the removal of cesium and strontium ions CR Minitha, R Suresh, UK Maity, Y Haldorai, V Subramaniam, P Manoravi, ...
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 57 (4), 1225-1232, 2018
49 2018 High temperature vapour pressure studies on graphite using laser pulse heating M Joseph, N Sivakumar, P Manoravi
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46 2002 Fabrication of La1− xSrxGa1− yMgyO3−(x+ y)/2 thin films by pulsed laser ablation T Mathews, P Manoravi, MP Antony, JR Sellar, BC Muddle
Solid State Ionics 135 (1-4), 397-402, 2000
46 2000 Pulsed laser deposition of doped lanthanum gallate and in situ analysis by mass spectrometry of the laser ablation plume T Mathews, JR Sellar, BC Muddle, P Manoravi
Chemistry of materials 12 (4), 917-922, 2000
39 2000 Production and characterization of Nd, Cr: GSGG thin films on Si (001) grown by pulsed laser ablation PR Willmott, P Manoravi, K Holliday
Applied Physics A 70, 425-429, 2000
34 2000 Preparation of thin film of CaZrO3 by pulsed laser deposition M Joseph, N Sivakumar, P Manoravi, S Vanavaramban
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30 2001 Particulate assisted growth of ZnO nanorods and microrods by pulsed laser deposition T Premkumar, P Manoravi, BK Panigrahi, K Baskar
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27 2009 Boron isotope enrichment in nanosecond pulsed laser-ablation plume M Joseph, P Manoravi
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25 2003 Characteristics of amorphous VO2 thin films prepared by pulsed laser deposition RTR Kumar, B Karunagaran, D Mangalaraj, SAK Narayandass, ...
Journal of Materials Science 39 (8), 2869-2871, 2004
24 2004 Preparation of thin films by pulsed-laser deposition and conductivity studies M Joseph, P Manoravi, H Tabata, T Kawai
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23 2002 Titania based nano-ionic memristive crossbar arrays: fabrication and resistive switching characteristics S Sahoo, P Manoravi, SRS Prabaharan
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19 2019 Determination of boron isotope ratio in boron carbide using a laser mass spectrometric method M Joseph, N Sivakumar, P Manoravi, R Balasubramanian
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18 2004 Pulsed laser ablation—thin film deposition of polyethylene oxide P Manoravi, M Joseph, N Sivakumar
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 59 (8), 1271-1277, 1998
18 1998 Conductivity studies of new polymer electrolytes based on the poly (ethylene glycol)/sodium iodide system P Manoravi, II Selvaraj, V Chandrasekhar, K Shahi
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18 1993 A comparative study of naturally and synthetically derived bioceramics for biomedical applications M Mathina, E Shinyjoy, L Kavitha, P Manoravi, D Gopi
Materials Today: Proceedings 26, 3600-3603, 2020
17 2020 Determination of thermal parameters of vanadium oxide uncooled microbolometer infrared detector RT Rajendra Kumar, B Karunagaran, D Mangalaraj, SK Narayandass, ...
International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves 24, 327-334, 2003
17 2003 Laser-induced-vaporisation mass-spectrometry studies on UO2, UC, and ThO2 M Joseph, N Sivakumar, P Manoravi
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17 2002