Markus Ternes
Markus Ternes
PGI-3, Jülich Research Centre; RWTH University Aachen
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Large magnetic anisotropy of a single atomic spin embedded in a surface molecular network
CF Hirjibehedin, CY Lin, AF Otte, M Ternes, CP Lutz, BA Jones, ...
Science 317 (5842), 1199-1203, 2007
The force needed to move an atom on a surface
M Ternes, CP Lutz, CF Hirjibehedin, FJ Giessibl, AJ Heinrich
Science 319 (5866), 1066-1069, 2008
The role of magnetic anisotropy in the Kondo effect
AF Otte, M Ternes, K Von Bergmann, S Loth, H Brune, CP Lutz, ...
Nature Physics 4, 847, 2008
Controlling the state of quantum spins with electric currents
S Loth, K Von Bergmann, M Ternes, AF Otte, CP Lutz, AJ Heinrich
Nature Physics 6 (5), 340-344, 2010
Spectroscopic manifestations of the Kondo effect on single adatoms
M Ternes, AJ Heinrich, WD Schneider
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 21 (5), 053001, 2008
Creation of an Atomic Superlattice by Immersing Metallic Adatoms<? format?> in a Two-Dimensional Electron Sea
F Silly, M Pivetta, M Ternes, F Patthey, JP Pelz, WD Schneider
Physical review letters 92 (1), 016101, 2004
Spin excitations and correlations in scanning tunneling spectroscopy
M Ternes
New Journal of Physics 17, 063016, 2015
The quantum magnetism of individual manganese-12-acetate molecular magnets anchored at surfaces
S Kahle, Z Deng, N Malinowski, C Tonnoir, A Forment-Aliaga, ...
Nano letters 12 (1), 518-521, 2012
Temperature and magnetic field dependence of a Kondo system in the weak coupling regime
Y Zhang, S Kahle, T Herden, C Stroh, M Mayor, U Schlickum, M Ternes, ...
Nature communications 4, 2110, 2013
Interplay of conductance, force, and structural change in metallic point contacts
M Ternes, C González, CP Lutz, P Hapala, FJ Giessibl, P Jelínek, ...
Physical review letters 106 (1), 016802, 2011
Spin excitations of a Kondo-screened atom coupled to a second magnetic atom
AF Otte, M Ternes, S Loth, CP Lutz, CF Hirjibehedin, AJ Heinrich
Physical review letters 103 (10), 107203, 2009
Tailoring the chiral magnetic interaction between two individual atoms
AA Khajetoorians, M Steinbrecher, M Ternes, M Bouhassoune, ...
Nature Communications 7 (1), 10620, 2016
Atomic-scale spin sensing with a single molecule at the apex of a scanning tunneling microscope
B Verlhac, N Bachellier, L Garnier, M Ormaza, P Abufager, R Robles, ...
Science 366 (6465), 623-627, 2019
Quantum engineering of spin and anisotropy in magnetic molecular junctions
P Jacobson, T Herden, M Muenks, G Laskin, O Brovko, V Stepanyuk, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 8536, 2015
Mass spectrometry as a preparative tool for the surface science of large molecules
S Rauschenbach, M Ternes, L Harnau, K Kern
Annual Review of Analytical Chemistry 9 (1), 473-498, 2016
Probing magnetic excitations and correlations in single and coupled spin systems with scanning tunneling spectroscopy
M Ternes
Progress in surface science 92 (1), 83-115, 2017
Exploring the phase diagram of the two-impurity Kondo problem
A Spinelli, M Gerrits, R Toskovic, B Bryant, M Ternes, AF Otte
Nature communications 6, 10046, 2015
Tracking temperature-dependent relaxation times of ferritin nanomagnets with a wideband quantum spectrometer
E Schäfer-Nolte, L Schlipf, M Ternes, F Reinhard, K Kern, J Wrachtrup
Physical review letters 113 (21), 217204, 2014
Free coherent evolution of a coupled atomic spin system initialized by electron scattering
LM Veldman, L Farinacci, R Rejali, R Broekhoven, J Gobeil, D Coffey, ...
Science 372 (6545), 964-968, 2021
Subgap structure in asymmetric superconducting tunnel junctions
M Ternes, WD Schneider, JC Cuevas, CP Lutz, CF Hirjibehedin, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 74 (13), 132501, 2006
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