Yuqing Wang
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Regional climate modeling: progress, challenges, and prospects
Y Wang, LR Leung, JL McGREGOR, DK Lee, WC Wang, Y Ding, F Kimura
Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan. Ser. II 82 (6), 1599-1628, 2004
Observed trends in extreme precipitation events in China during 1961–2001 and the associated changes in large‐scale circulation
Y Wang, L Zhou
Geophysical Research Letters 32 (9), 2005
The dynamics of boundary layer jets within the tropical cyclone core. Part II: Nonlinear enhancement
Y Kepert, J., and Wang
J. Atmos. Sci 58, 2485-2501, 2001
Improved representation of boundary layer clouds over the southeast Pacific in ARW-WRF using a modified Tiedtke cumulus parameterization scheme
C Zhang, Y Wang, K Hamilton
Monthly Weather Review 139 (11), 3489-3513, 2011
Current understanding of tropical cyclone structure and intensity changes–a review
Y Wang, CC Wu
Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 87 (4), 257-278, 2004
Future changes in tropical cyclone activity projected by the new high-resolution MRI-AGCM
H Murakami, Y Wang, H Yoshimura, R Mizuta, M Sugi, E Shindo, ...
Journal of Climate 25 (9), 3237-3260, 2012
How do outer spiral rainbands affect tropical cyclone structure and intensity?
Y Wang
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 66 (5), 1250-1273, 2009
Role of narrow mountains in large-scale organization of Asian monsoon convection
SP Xie, H Xu, NH Saji, Y Wang, WT Liu
Journal of climate 19 (14), 3420-3429, 2006
Vortex Rossby waves in a numerically simulated tropical cyclone. Part II: The role in tropical cyclone structure and intensity changes
Y Wang
Journal of the atmospheric sciences 59 (7), 1239-1262, 2002
Vortex Rossby waves in a numerically simulated tropical cyclone. Part I: Overall structure, potential vorticity, and kinetic energy budgets
Y Wang
Journal of the atmospheric sciences 59 (7), 1213-1238, 2002
Contributions of ENSO and east Indian Ocean SSTA to the interannual variability of northwest Pacific tropical cyclone frequency
R Zhan, Y Wang, X Lei
Journal of Climate 24 (2), 509-521, 2011
A highly resolved regional climate model (IPRC-RegCM) and its simulation of the 1998 severe precipitation event over China. Part I: Model description and verification of simulation
Y Wang, OL Sen, B Wang
Journal of Climate 16 (11), 1721-1738, 2003
Diurnal cycle of precipitation in the tropics simulated in a global cloud-resolving model
T Sato, H Miura, M Satoh, YN Takayabu, Y Wang
Journal of Climate 22 (18), 4809-4826, 2009
An explicit simulation of tropical cyclones with a triply nested movable mesh primitive equation model: TCM3. Part I: Model description and control experiment
Y Wang
Monthly weather review 129 (6), 1370-1394, 2001
Tropical cyclone motion and evolution in vertical shear
Y Wang, GJ Holland
Journal of Atmospheric Sciences 53 (22), 3313-3332, 1996
An explicit simulation of tropical cyclones with a triply nested movable mesh primitive equation model: TCM3. Part II: Model refinements and sensitivity to cloud microphysics …
Y Wang
Monthly Weather Review 130 (12), 3022-3036, 2002
Projected future changes of tropical cyclone activity over the western North and South Pacific in a 20-km-mesh regional climate model
C Zhang, Y Wang
Journal of Climate 30 (15), 5923-5941, 2017
Environmental dynamical control of tropical cyclone intensity—An observational study
Z Zeng, Y Wang, CC Wu
Monthly Weather Review 135 (1), 38-59, 2007
Comparison of phytoplankton blooms triggered by two typhoons with different intensities and translation speeds in the South China Sea
H Zhao, DL Tang, Y Wang
Marine Ecology Progress Series 365, 57-65, 2008
Sensitivity of tropical cyclone inner-core size and intensity to the radial distribution of surface entropy flux
J Xu, Y Wang
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 67 (6), 1831-1852, 2010
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