Günter Prockl
Günter Prockl
Associate Professor, Copenhagen Business School
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Supply chain management and Industry 4.0: conducting research in the digital age
E Hofmann, H Sternberg, H Chen, A Pflaum, G Prockl
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 49 (10 …, 2019
3PL factories or lernstatts? Value-creation models for 3PL service providers
G Prockl, A Pflaum, H Kotzab
Emerald, 0
Antecedents of truck drivers’ job satisfaction and retention proneness
G Prockl, C Teller, H Kotzab, R Angell
Journal of Business Logistics 38 (3), 184-196, 2017
Logistik-Management im Spannungsfeld zwischen wissenschaftlicher Erklärung und praktischer Handlung
G Prockl
Deutscher Universitäts-Verlag, 2007
Levels of internationalization in the container shipping industry: an assessment of the port networks of the large container shipping companies
HK Gadhia, H Kotzab, G Prockl
Journal of Transport Geography 19 (6), 1431-1442, 2011
The efficiency potential of ICT in haulier operations
H Sternberg, G Prockl, J Holmström
Computers in Industry 65 (8), 1161-1168, 2014
Supply Chain Management als Gestaltung überbetrieblicher Versorgungsnetzwerke: eine Verdichtung von Prinzipien zur" Strukturation" von Versorgungsnetzen und Ansätze zur …
G Prockl
Dt. Verkehrs-Verlag, 2001
Introduction to the digital supply chain of the future: technologies, applications and business models minitrack
A Pflaum, F Bodendorf, G Prockl, H Chen
Intermodal transport and repositioning of empty containers in Central and Eastern Europe hinterland
P Kolar, HJ Schramm, G Prockl
Journal of Transport Geography 69, 73-82, 2018
3PL Services in City Logistics: A User's Perspective
J Aastrup, B Gammelgaard, G Prockl
Proceedings of the 24th Annual Nordic Logics Research Network Conference …, 2012
Supply Chain Software
G Prockl
Gabler Lexikon Logistik: Management logistischer Netzwerke und Flüsse, 562-567, 2012
The Digital Supply Chain of the Future: From Drivers to Technologies and Applications
A Pflaum, OFU Bamberg, F Bodendorf, G Prockl, H Chen
Proceedings of the 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences …, 2018
How Digital Platforms with a Social Purpose Trigger Change towards Sustainable Supply Chains
A Schroder, G Prockl, I Constantiou
Proceedings of the 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 4785, 2021
Supply chains and electronic markets-impulses for value co-creation across the disciplines
G Prockl, V Bhakoo, C Wong
Electronic Markets 27 (2), 135-140, 2017
Counting the minutes—measuring truck driver time efficiency
G Prockl, H Sternberg
Transportation Journal 54 (2), 275-287, 2015
Mehr Transparenz in der Versorgungskette durch das „Internet der Dinge “
G Prockl, A Pflaum
Business Innovation in der Logistik, 105-126, 2012
Entwicklungspfade und Meilensteine moderner Logistik: Skizzen einer Roadmap
G Prockl, A Bauer, A Pflaum, U Müller-Steinfahrt
Springer-Verlag, 2004
Tragedy of the facilitated commons: A multiple‐case study of failure in systematic horizontal logistics collaboration
H Sternberg, I Linan, G Prockl, A Norrman
Journal of Supply Chain Management 58 (4), 30-57, 2022
Autonomous Trucks: A Supply Chain Adoption Perspective
HS Sternberg, H Chen, E Hofmann, G Prockl
Proceedings of the 53rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences …, 2020
Cabotagestudien: A study on the movements of international vehicles in Denmark Lund
H Sternberg, A Holmberg, G Lindquist, G Prockl
Sweden, Faculty of Engineering, Lund University, 2014
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