Alex Scrimpshire
Alex Scrimpshire
Assistant Professor of Management, University of Southern Mississippi
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A meta-analytic review of identification at work: Relative contribution of team, organizational, and professional identification.
LM Greco, JP Porck, SL Walter, AJ Scrimpshire, AM Zabinski
Journal of Applied Psychology 107 (5), 795, 2022
The road to entrepreneurial success: business plans, lean startup, or both?
C Welter, A Scrimpshire, D Tolonen, E Obrimah
New England Journal of Entrepreneurship 24 (1), 21-42, 2021
The missing capital: The case for psychological capital in entrepreneurship research
C Welter, A Scrimpshire
Journal of Business Venturing Insights 16, e00267, 2021
Responses to normative and norm-violating behavior: Culture, job mobility, and social inclusion and exclusion
J Whitson, CS Wang, J Kim, J Cao, A Scrimpshire
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 129, 24-35, 2015
Do birds of a feather cheat together? How personality and relationships affect student cheating
A J Scrimpshire, TH Stone, JL Kisamore, IM Jawahar
Journal of Academic Ethics 15, 1-22, 2017
Are leaders defined by followers? Role of follower’s ILT and the mediating influence of LMX on follower outcomes
DL Rahn, IM Jawahar, AJ Scrimpshire, T Stone
Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance 3 (1), 43-69, 2016
Investigating the effects of high-involvement climate and public service motivation on engagement, performance, and meaningfulness in the public sector
AJ Scrimpshire, BD Edwards, D Crosby, SJ Anderson
Journal of Managerial Psychology 38 (1), 1-20, 2022
Fear after being fired: The moderating role of resilience in lessening the time between employment
A Scrimpshire, M Lensges
Personnel Review 51 (9), 2129-2141, 2022
Can we talk? Why employees fail to report negative events to their managers
AJ Scrimpshire, ML Lensges, BD Webster, DH Crosby
Career Development International 26 (6), 749-765, 2021
Do Managers Design Motivational Work? It Depends on Their and the Organisation’s Values
C Knight, A Van den Broeck, S Humphrey, AB Hannah, P Sarmah, ...
Multilevel Perspectives on the Antecedents of Work Design 1 (18276), 2020
Multilevel perspectives on the antecedents of work design
C Knight, A Van den Broeck, M Tims, J Gawke, S Parker, A Scrimpshire, ...
80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), 2020
Opportunity Evaluation Under Uncertainty: Psychological Capital as Impetus and Inertia
C Welter, A Scrimpshire
Academy of Management Proceedings 2020 (1), 12938, 2020
Multilevel Perspectives on the Antecedents of Work Design
HA Berkers, C Knight, P Sallah, A Scrimpshire, M Tims
Academy of Management Proceedings 2020 (1), 18276, 2020
With Help From My (Imaginary) Friends: Perspective-Taking, Self-Efficacy, and Employee Engagement
A Scrimpshire, CS Wang, BD Edwards
Academy of Management Proceedings 2018 (1), 10188, 2018
When Forms of Compensatory Control Collide: Luck-Related Superstitions, Status, and Task Performance
CS Wang, JA Whitson, A Scrimpshire
Academy of Management Proceedings 2017 (1), 11894, 2017
Culture, Mobility, and the Selection of Norm Enforcement Strategies
CS Wang, J Whitson, J Kim, J Cao, A Scrimpshire
Academy of Management Proceedings 2013 (1), 13189, 2013
Multilevel Perspectives on the Antecedents of Work Design Organizers
C Knight, A van den Broeck, S Humphrey, M Tims, J Gawke, ...
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