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James TheilerTechnical Staff Member, Los Alamos National LaboratoryEmail confirmado em lanl.gov
Joel RowlandScientist, Earth & Environmental Sciences Division, Los Alamos National LaboratoryEmail confirmado em lanl.gov
Garrett T KenyonLos Alamos National LaboratoryEmail confirmado em lanl.gov
Chandana GangodagamageResearch Scientist at NASA Goddard Space Flight CenterEmail confirmado em nasa.gov
Mark GalassiResearch Scientist, Los Alamos National LaboratoryEmail confirmado em galassi.org
Caitlin KontgisCenter for Sustainability and the Global Environment, Department of Geography, University ofEmail confirmado em wisc.edu
Cathy WilsonLos Alamos National LaboratoryEmail confirmado em lanl.gov
Luis M. A. BettencourtUniversity of Chicago. Ecology & Evolution, Sociology. External Professor, Santa Fe InstituteEmail confirmado em uchicago.edu
Garrett AltmannGIS Coordinator/Project Manager, Santa Clara Tribal GovernmentEmail confirmado em santaclarapueblo.org
Rick ChartrandHydrosatEmail confirmado em cal.berkeley.edu
Krishna KarraAdjunct Professor, The Cooper UnionEmail confirmado em cooper.edu
VestrandEmail confirmado em lanl.gov
Konstantin BorozdinSandia Research CenterEmail confirmado em sandiacenter.com
Katherine E McGowanLANLEmail confirmado em lanl.gov
Dan StarrCo-founder of wise.io; past: Dept. of Astronomy, UC BerkeleyEmail confirmado em astro.berkeley.edu
Robert R. WhiteSenior Scientist - National Renewable Energy LabEmail confirmado em nrel.gov
Samuel SkillmanDescartes LabsEmail confirmado em descarteslabs.com
Michael S. WarrenCTO, Descartes LabsEmail confirmado em descarteslabs.com
Melanie MitchellProfessor, Santa Fe InstituteEmail confirmado em santafe.edu
James E.M. WatsonUniversity of Queensland, Wildlife Conservation SocietyEmail confirmado em uq.edu.au