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Fabio NobileMATH - CSQI, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)Email confirmado em epfl.ch
G.A. PavliotisDepartment of Mathematics Imperial College LondonEmail confirmado em imperial.ac.uk
Serafim KalliadasisDepartment of Chemical Engineering, Imperial CollegeEmail confirmado em imperial.ac.uk
Raul TemponeProfessor of Applied Mathematics, Alexander von Humboldt Professor RWTH-Aachen & KAUSTEmail confirmado em kaust.edu.sa
Matthieu Claude MartinCriteoEmail confirmado em criteo.com
Nikki VercauterenUniversity of CologneEmail confirmado em uni-koeln.de
Per PetterssonSenior researcher, NORCE Norwegian Research CentreEmail confirmado em norceresearch.no
Luis EspathUniversity of NottinghamEmail confirmado em nottingham.ac.uk
Davide FarandaLSCE- CEA, CNRS, UVSQ, URA 8212, SaclayEmail confirmado em lsce.ipsl.fr
Vinh HoangSenior researcher at the Chair of mathematics for Uncertainty Quantification, RWTH-AachenEmail confirmado em uq.rwth-aachen.de
Marc PradasSchool of Mathematics & Statistics, The Open UniversityEmail confirmado em open.ac.uk
Uwe RauForschungszentrum JülichEmail confirmado em fz-juelich.de
Håkon HoelUniversity of OsloEmail confirmado em math.uio.no
Danijel BelusicDepartment of Geophysics, Faculty of Science, University of ZagrebEmail confirmado em gfz.pmf.unizg.hr
Hermann G MatthiesProfessor of Computer Science, Inst. of Scientific Computing, TU BraunschweigEmail confirmado em tu-bs.de
Pedro VilanovaStevens Institute of TechnologyEmail confirmado em stevens.edu
Billy SperlichProfessor, Integrative & Experimental Exercise Science & Training, University of WürzburgEmail confirmado em sportsandscience.de
Hans-Christer HolmbergProfessor of Sport ScienceEmail confirmado em miun.se
J. H. LaCasceProfessor, Dept. of Geosciences, University of OsloEmail confirmado em geo.uio.no
Christoph ZinnerProfessor, Hessische Hochschule für öffentliches Management und SicherheitEmail confirmado em hoems.hessen.de