Gennaro Gentile
Gennaro Gentile
Istituto per i Polimeri, Compositi e Biomateriali - CNR
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Evaluation of microplastic release caused by textile washing processes of synthetic fabrics
F De Falco, MP Gullo, G Gentile, E Di Pace, M Cocca, L Gelabert, ...
Environmental Pollution 236, 916-925, 2018
Natural fiber eco‐composites
G Bogoeva‐Gaceva, M Avella, M Malinconico, A Buzarovska, ...
Polymer composites 28 (1), 98-107, 2007
Atypical structural and π-electron features of a melanin polymer that lead to superior free-radical-scavenging properties.
L Panzella, G Gentile, G D'Errico, NF Della Vecchia, ME Errico, ...
Angewandte Chemie 125 (48), 2013
A multitechnique approach to assess the effect of ball milling on cellulose
R Avolio, I Bonadies, D Capitani, ME Errico, G Gentile, M Avella
Carbohydrate Polymers 87 (1), 265-273, 2012
Eco-challenges of bio-based polymer composites
M Avella, A Buzarovska, ME Errico, G Gentile, A Grozdanov
Materials 2 (3), 911-925, 2009
Poly (lactic acid)‐based biocomposites reinforced with kenaf fibers
M Avella, G Bogoeva‐Gaceva, A Bužarovska, ME Errico, G Gentile, ...
Journal of Applied Polymer Science 108 (6), 3542-3551, 2008
Nucleation activity of nanosized CaCO3 on crystallization of isotactic polypropylene, in dependence on crystal modification, particle shape, and coating
M Avella, S Cosco, ML Di Lorenzo, E Di Pace, ME Errico, G Gentile
European Polymer Journal 42 (7), 1548-1557, 2006
Poly(3‐hydroxybutyrate‐co‐3‐hydroxyvalerate)‐based biocomposites reinforced with kenaf fibers
M Avella, G Bogoeva‐Gaceva, A Buzõarovska, M Emanuela Errico, ...
Journal of Applied Polymer Science 104 (5), 3192-3200, 2007
Mesoporous silica nanoparticles as carriers of active agents for smart anticorrosive organic coatings: a critical review
F Olivieri, R Castaldo, M Cocca, G Gentile, M Lavorgna
Nanoscale 13 (20), 9091-9111, 2021
Pectin based finishing to mitigate the impact of microplastics released by polyamide fabrics
F De Falco, G Gentile, R Avolio, ME Errico, E Di Pace, V Ambrogi, ...
Carbohydrate polymers 198, 175-180, 2018
Chitosan hydrogels embedding hyper-crosslinked polymer particles as reusable broad-spectrum adsorbents for dye removal
MS de Luna, R Castaldo, R Altobelli, L Gioiella, G Filippone, G Gentile, ...
Carbohydrate polymers 177, 347-354, 2017
Potential use of rice straw as filler in eco-composite materials.
A Buzarovska, GG Bogoeva, A Grozdanov, M Avella, G Gentile, M Errico
Microporous hyper-crosslinked polystyrenes and nanocomposites with high adsorption properties: A review
R Castaldo, G Gentile, M Avella, C Carfagna, V Ambrogi
Polymers 9 (12), 651, 2017
Novel finishing treatments of polyamide fabrics by electrofluidodynamic process to reduce microplastic release during washings
F De Falco, M Cocca, V Guarino, G Gentile, V Ambrogi, L Ambrosio, ...
Polymer Degradation and Stability 165, 110-116, 2019
Tuning of polyurethane foam mechanical and thermal properties using ball-milled cellulose
M Stanzione, M Oliviero, M Cocca, ME Errico, G Gentile, M Avella, ...
Carbohydrate polymers 231, 115772, 2020
Plasticization of poly (lactic acid) through blending with oligomers of lactic acid: Effect of the physical aging on properties
R Avolio, R Castaldo, G Gentile, V Ambrogi, S Fiori, M Avella, M Cocca, ...
European Polymer Journal 66, 533-542, 2015
Innovative packaging for minimally processed fruits
M Avella, G Bruno, ME Errico, G Gentile, N Piciocchi, A Sorrentino, ...
Packaging Technology and Science: An International Journal 20 (5), 325-335, 2007
Double percolation of multiwalled carbon nanotubes in polystyrene/polylactic acid blends
G Nasti, G Gentile, P Cerruti, C Carfagna, V Ambrogi
Polymer 99, 193-203, 2016
Crystallization behavior of poly(hydroxybytyrate-co-valerate) in model and bulk PHBV/kenaf fiber composites
A Buzarovska, G Bogoeva-Gaceva, A Grozdanov, M Avella, G Gentile, ...
Journal of Materials Science 42, 6501-6509, 2007
Polyacrylates for conservation: chemico-physical properties and durability of different commercial products
M Cocca, L D’arienzo, L D’orazio, G Gentile, E Martuscelli
Polymer testing 23 (3), 333-342, 2004
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