Louis Tse
Louis Tse
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
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Analysis and Optimization for Off-Design Performance of the Recompression s-CO2 Cycles for High Temperature CSP Applications
LA Tse, TW Neises
The 5th International Symposium-Supercritical CO2 Power Cycles, 2016
High-density, high-temperature thermal energy storage and retrieval
RE Wirz, APP Stopin, LA Tse, AG Lavine, HP Kavehpour, RB Lakeh, ...
US Patent App. 14/475,479, 2015
Spatial and temporal modeling of sub-and supercritical thermal energy storage
LA Tse, GB Ganapathi, RE Wirz, AS Lavine
Solar Energy 103, 402-410, 2014
Exergetic optimization and performance evaluation of multi-phase thermal energy storage systems
LA Tse, AS Lavine, RB Lakeh, RE Wirz
Solar Energy 122, 396-408, 2015
System modeling for a supercritical thermal energy storage system
LA Tse, GB Ganapathi, RE Wirz, AS Lavine
ASME 2012 6th International Conference on Energy Sustainability collocated …, 2012
Heat transfer behavior of sulfur for thermal storage applications
K Nithyanandam, A Barde, L Tse, R Baghaei Lakeh, R Wirz
Energy Sustainability 50220, V001T05A008, 2016
Structural, thermal, and optical performance (STOP) modeling and analysis for the Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) Mission
LA Tse, Z Chang, RP Somawardhana, EM Slimko
48th International Conference on Environmental Systems, 2018
Thermal Testing of Organic Fluids for Supercritical Thermal Energy Storage Systems
LA Tse, A Stopin, GB Ganapathi, MA Garcia-Garibay, RE Wirz
ASME 2013 7th International Conference on Energy Sustainability collocated …, 2013
Effect of viscosity variations on charge and discharge time of a sulfur-based thermal energy storage system
R Baghaei Lakeh, K Nithyanandam, A Barde, L Tse, RE Wirz
Energy Sustainability 50220, V001T05A002, 2016
Evaluating Renewable Energy Technology Transfer In Developing Countries: Enabling Factors and Barriers
LA Tse, O Oluwatola
Journal of Science Policy and Governance 6 (1), 2015
Exergy-Based Optimization of Sub-and Supercritical Thermal Energy Storage Systems
LA Tse, RB Lakeh, RE Wirz, AS Lavine
ASME 2014 8th International Conference on Energy Sustainability collocated …, 2014
Thermodynamic and Cost Modeling of Thermal Energy Storage Systems Using Novel Storage Media
LA Tse
University of California, Los Angeles, 2016
Two-Phase Thermal Control Hardware Verification and Validation for the Ka-band Radar Interferometer Instrument
R Somawardhana, E Sunada, L Tse, E Ungar
51st International Conference on Environmental Systems, 2022
Thermal Design and Qualification Testing of the Ka-Band Radar Interferometer (KaRIn) Instrument Thermal Pallets
RP Somawardhana, LA Tse
Pasadena, CA: Jet Propulsion Laboratory, National Aeronautics and Space …, 2019
Constant Conductance Heat Pipe Modeling in Siemens SimCenter and Correlation with JPL SWOT Mission Two-Phase Testbed
LL Maricic, LA Tse, RP Somawardhana
Thermal and Fluids Analysis Workshop (TFAWS), 2018. NASA Johnson Space …, 2018
Effect of Solar Specularity and Ray-Tracing Modeling in NX Thermal Solver On Thermal Analysis of SWOT Mission
LL Maricic, LA Tse
Thermal and Fluids Analysis Workshop (TFAWS), 2017. NASA Marshall Space …, 2017
Thermodynamic Modeling of Thermal Energy Storage Systems Using Novel Storage Media
LA Tse
UCLA, 2016
Optimal Operation Strategies for Thermal Energy Storage Systems in Solar Thermal Power Plants
LA Tse, RE Wirz, AS Lavine
ASME 2015 9th International Conference on Energy Sustainability collocated …, 2015
Axially asymmetric rotating tank experiments for thermally forced stationary waves in geophysical fluids
HP Huang, J Hunt, A Sharma, LA Tse, H Fernando, A Gunawan, P Phelan, ...
APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts, 2011
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