Occupation and osteoarthrosis of the hip and knee: a register-based cohort study EVA Vingård, L ALFREDSSON, IAN Goldie, C HOGSTEDT International journal of epidemiology 20 (4), 1025-1031, 1991 | 298 | 1991 |
Osteoarthrosis of the knee in men and women in association with overweight, smoking, and hormone therapy H Sandmark, C Hogstedt, S Lewold, E Vingård Annals of the rheumatic diseases 58 (3), 151-155, 1999 | 264 | 1999 |
Sports and osteoarthrosis of the hip: an epidemiologic study E Vingård, L Alfredsson, I Goldie, C Hogstedt The American Journal of Sports Medicine 21 (2), 195-200, 1993 | 257 | 1993 |
Primary osteoarthrosis of the knee in men and women as a result of lifelong physical load from work H Sandmark, C Hogstedt, E Vingård Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health, 20-25, 2000 | 247 | 2000 |
Excessive body weight and smoking associates with a high risk of onset of plaque psoriasis K Wolk, L Mallbris, P Larsson, A Rosenblad, E Vingård, M Ståhle Acta dermato-venereologica 89 (5), 492-497, 2009 | 243 | 2009 |
Chapter 9. Consequences of being on sick leave E Vingård, K Alexanderson, A Norlund Scandinavian journal of public health 32 (63_suppl), 207-215, 2004 | 240 | 2004 |
Comparisons of self-reported and register data on sickness absence among public employees in Sweden M Voss, S Stark, L Alfredsson, E Vingård, M Josephson Occupational and environmental medicine 65 (1), 61-67, 2008 | 233 | 2008 |
A systematic review of studies in the contributions of the work environment to ischaemic heart disease development T Theorell, K Jood, LS Järvholm, E Vingård, J Perk, PO Östergren, C Hall The European Journal of Public Health 26 (3), 470-477, 2016 | 225 | 2016 |
To what extent do current and past physical and psychosocial occupational factors explain care-seeking for low back pain in a working population?: results from the … E Vingård, L Alfredsson, M Hagberg, Å Kilbom, T Theorell, ... Spine 25 (4), 493-500, 2000 | 213 | 2000 |
Age, bodyweight, smoking habits and the risk of severe osteoarthritis in the hip and knee in men B Järvholm, S Lewold, H Malchau, E Vingård European journal of epidemiology 20, 537-542, 2005 | 212 | 2005 |
The same factors influence job turnover and long spells of sick leave—a 3-year follow-up of Swedish nurses M Josephson, P Lindberg, M Voss, L Alfredsson, E Vingård European journal of public health 18 (4), 380-385, 2008 | 210 | 2008 |
Long-term sick-listing among women in the public sector and its associations with age, social situation, lifestyle, and work factors: a three-year follow-up study E Vingård, P Lindberg, M Josephson, M Voss, B Heijbel, L Alfredsson, ... Scandinavian journal of public health 33 (5), 370-375, 2005 | 172 | 2005 |
Physical and psychosocial factors related to low back pain during a 24-year period: a nested case–control analysis CB Thorbjörnsson, L Alfredsson, K Fredriksson, H Michélsen, L Punnett, ... Spine 25 (3), 369-375, 2000 | 170 | 2000 |
Psoriasis phenotype at disease onset: clinical characterization of 400 adult cases L Mallbris, P Larsson, S Bergqvist, E Vingård, F Granath, M Ståhle Journal of investigative dermatology 124 (3), 499-504, 2005 | 169 | 2005 |
Promoting excellent work ability and preventing poor work ability: the same determinants? Results from the Swedish HAKuL study P Lindberg, M Josephson, L Alfredsson, E Vingård Occupational and Environmental Medicine 63 (2), 113-120, 2006 | 163 | 2006 |
Work environment and neck and shoulder pain: the influence of exposure time. Results from a population based case-control study K Fredriksson, L Alfredsson, G Ahlberg, M Josephson, Å Kilbom, ... Occupational and environmental medicine 59 (3), 182-188, 2002 | 163 | 2002 |
Healthy migrant effect in the Swedish context: a register-based, longitudinal cohort study. M Helgesson, B Johansson, T Nordquist, E Vingård, M Svartengren BMJ open 9 (3), e026972, 2019 | 151 | 2019 |
Psychosocial and physical risk factors associated with low back pain: a 24 year follow up among women and men in a broad range of occupations. CO Thorbjörnsson, L Alfredsson, K Fredriksson, M Köster, H Michélsen, ... Occupational and environmental medicine 55 (2), 84-90, 1998 | 151 | 1998 |
Workplace factors and care seeking for low-back pain among female nursing personnel M Josephson, E Vingård, MUSIC-Norrtälje Study Group Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health, 465-472, 1998 | 146 | 1998 |
Seeking care for low back pain in the general population: a two-year follow-up study: results from the MUSIC–Norrtälje study E Vingård, M Mortimer, C Wiktorin, K Fredriksson, G Németh, L Alfredsson, ... Spine 27 (19), 2159-2165, 2002 | 140 | 2002 |