Agma J. M. Traina
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Slim-trees: High performance metric trees minimizing overlap between nodes
C Traina Jr, A Traina, B Seeger, C Faloutsos
International Conference on Extending Database Technology, 51-65, 2000
An efficient algorithm for fractal analysis of textures
AF Costa, G Humpire-Mamani, AJM Traina
2012 25th SIBGRAPI conference on graphics, patterns and images, 39-46, 2012
Fast feature selection using fractal dimension
C Traina Jr, A Traina, L Wu, C Faloutsos
Journal of Information and data Management 1 (1), 3-3, 2010
Fast indexing and visualization of metric data sets using slim-trees
C Traina, A Traina, C Faloutsos, B Seeger
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 14 (2), 244-260, 2002
Bowfire: detection of fire in still images by integrating pixel color and texture analysis
DYT Chino, LPS Avalhais, JF Rodrigues, AJM Traina
2015 28th SIBGRAPI conference on graphics, patterns and images, 95-102, 2015
On query result diversification
MR Vieira, HL Razente, MCN Barioni, M Hadjieleftheriou, D Srivastava, ...
2011 IEEE 27th International Conference on Data Engineering, 1163-1174, 2011
Clustering very large multi-dimensional datasets with mapreduce
RL Ferreira Cordeiro, C Traina, AJ Machado Traina, J López, U Kang, ...
Proceedings of the 17th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge …, 2011
Retrieval by content of medical images using texture for tissue identification
JC Felipe, AJM Traina, C Traina
16th IEEE Symposium Computer-Based Medical Systems, 2003. Proceedings., 175-180, 2003
Improving the ranking quality of medical image retrieval using a genetic feature selection method
SF Da Silva, MX Ribeiro, JESB Neto, C Traina-Jr, AJM Traina
Decision support systems 51 (4), 810-820, 2011
Similarity search without tears: the OMNI-family of all-purpose access methods
A Traina, C Traina, C Faloutsos
Proceedings 17th International Conference on Data Engineering, 623-630, 2001
Spatial join selectivity using power laws
C Faloutsos, B Seeger, A Traina, C Traina Jr
Proceedings of the 2000 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of …, 2000
Rsc: Mining and modeling temporal activity in social media
A Ferraz Costa, Y Yamaguchi, A Juci Machado Traina, C Traina Jr, ...
Proceedings of the 21th ACM SIGKDD international conference on knowledge …, 2015
The omni-family of all-purpose access methods: a simple and effective way to make similarity search more efficient
C Traina, RFS Filho, AJM Traina, MR Vieira, C Faloutsos
The VLDB Journal 16, 483-505, 2007
An association rule-based method to support medical image diagnosis with efficiency
MX Ribeiro, AJM Traina, C Traina, PM Azevedo-Marques
IEEE transactions on multimedia 10 (2), 277-285, 2008
Segmenting skin ulcers and measuring the wound area using deep convolutional networks
DYT Chino, LC Scabora, MT Cazzolato, AES Jorge, C Traina-Jr, ...
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 191, 105376, 2020
DBM-Tree: A Dynamic Metric Access Method Sensitive to Local Density Data.
MR Vieira, C Traina Jr, FJT Chino, AJM Traina
SBBD, 163-177, 2004
A fast and effective method to find correlations among attributes in databases
EPM de Sousa, C Traina, AJM Traina, L Wu, C Faloutsos
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 14 (3), 367-407, 2007
Fractal analysis of image textures for indexing and retrieval by content
AGR Balan, AJM Traina, C Traina, PM Azevedo-Marques
18th IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS'05), 581-586, 2005
A review on recognizing depression in social networks: challenges and opportunities
FT Giuntini, MT Cazzolato, MJD dos Reis, AT Campbell, AJM Traina, ...
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 11, 4713-4729, 2020
Fismo: A compilation of datasets from emergency situations for fire and smoke analysis
MT Cazzolato, L Avalhais, D Chino, JS Ramos, JA de Souza, ...
Brazilian symposium on databases-SBBD, 213-223, 2017
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