Survey of shape parameterization techniques and its effect on three-dimensional aerodynamic shape optimization S Nadarajah, P Castonguay, A Mousavi
18th AIAA computational fluid dynamics conference, 3837, 2007
112 2007 Application of quadrature method of moments to the polydispersed droplet spectrum in transonic steam flows with primary and secondary nucleation AG Gerber, A Mousavi
Applied mathematical modelling 31 (8), 1518-1533, 2007
53 2007 Representing polydispersed droplet behavior in nucleating steam flow AG Gerber, A Mousavi
45 2007 Adjoint-based multidisciplinary design optimization of cooled gas turbine blades A Mousavi, S Nadarajah
49th AIAA aerospace sciences meeting including the new horizons forum and …, 2011
28 2011 Direct synthesis and characterization of a nonwoven structure comprised of carbon nanofibers MA Atwater, AK Mousavi, ZC Leseman, J Phillips
Carbon 57, 363-370, 2013
23 2013 Heat transfer optimization of gas turbine blades using an adjoint approach A Mousavi, S Nadarajah
13th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis Optimization Conference, 9048, 2010
16 2010 Mechanical and electrical characterization of entangled networks of carbon nanofibers AK Mousavi, MA Atwater, BK Mousavi, M Jalalpour, MR Taha, ...
Materials 7 (6), 4845-4853, 2014
14 2014 Improved model for the adhesion of μcantilevers: theory and experiments AK Mousavi, K M R, ZC Leseman
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 23 (11), 2013
13 2013 Basic MEMS actuators AK Mousavi, ZC Leseman, Z Chad
Encyclopedia of Nanotechnology, 173-185, 2012
13 2012 Metal-assisted chemical etching of silicon and achieving pore sizes as small as 30 nm by altering gold thickness B Kheyraddini Mousavi, M Behzadirad, Y Silani, F Karbasian, ...
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 37 (6), 2019
11 2019 Nanostructured anti-reflection coatings for enhancing transmission of light BK Mousavi, AK Mousavu, T Busani, MH Zadeh, SRJ Brueck
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics 7 (12), 3083, 2019
8 2019 Mode II adhesion energy analysis of stiction-failed poly-Si cantilevers using a MEMS load cell BK Mousavi, AK Mousavi, TJ Hieber, J Chen, ZC Leseman
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 29 (7), 075013, 2019
8 2019 Representing polydispersed droplet behavior in nucleating steam flow with the quadrature-method-of-moments A Mousavi, AG Gerber, MJ Kermani
Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting 47500, 931-940, 2006
8 2006 Pulsed vacuum and etching systems: Theoretical design considerations for a pulsed vacuum system and its application to XeF2 etching of Si AK Mousavi, K Abbas, MMM Elahi, E Lima, S Moya, JD Butner, D Pinon, ...
Vacuum 109, 216-222, 2014
6 2014 Mode II measurements for stiction failed MEMS devices MR Kashamolla, DF Goettler, AK Mousavi, ZC Leseman
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 44472, 63-69, 2010
6 2010 Basic MEMS actuators A Kheyraddini Mousavi, S Alaie, ZC Leseman
Encyclopedia of Nanotechnology, 1-16, 2016
5 2016 High speed Michelson interferometer microscope A Kheyraddini-Mousavi, Z Leseman, B Kheyraddini-Mousavi
US Patent 10,436,570, 2019
4 2019 Adeeko Benga, Behnam Kheyraddini Mousavi, and Zayd Chad Leseman, Pulsed vacuum and etching systems: Theoretical design considerations for a pulsed vacuum system and its … AK Mousavi, K Abbas, MMM Elahi, E Lima, S Moya, JD Butner, D Pinon
Vacuum 109, 216-222, 2014
4 2014 Nonlinear approach for strain energy release rate in micro cantilevers AK Mousavi, S Alaie, MR Kashamolla, ZC Leseman
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 44472, 51-56, 2010
4 2010 Mode I and Mixed Mode I and II Measurements for Stiction Failed MEMS Devices MR Kashamolla, AK Mousavi, ZC Leseman
Proceedings of the ASME 2009 International Mechanical Engineering Congress …, 2009
4 2009