Artigos com autorizações de acesso público - Olivier AlardSaiba mais
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Optimisation of laser and mass spectrometer parameters for the in situ analysis of Rb/Sr ratios by LA-ICP-MS/MS
L Gorojovsky, O Alard
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 35 (10), 2322-2336, 2020
Autorizações: Australian Research Council
Dating post-Archean lithospheric mantle: Insights from Re-Os and Lu-Hf isotopic systematics of the Cameroon Volcanic Line peridotites
J Liu, DG Pearson, Q Shu, H Sigurdsson, E Thomassot, O Alard
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 278, 177-198, 2020
Autorizações: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, National …
Sulfide in dunite channels reflects long-distance reactive migration of mid-ocean-ridge melts from mantle source to crust: a Re-Os isotopic perspective
Q Xiong, Y Xu, JM González-Jiménez, J Liu, O Alard, JP Zheng, WL Griffin, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 531, 115969, 2020
Autorizações: Australian Research Council, National Natural Science Foundation of China
Partitioning of nitrogen during melting and recycling in subduction zones and the evolution of atmospheric nitrogen
MW Förster, SF Foley, O Alard, S Buhre
Chemical Geology 525, 334-342, 2019
Autorizações: Australian Research Council
Immiscible metallic melts in the upper mantle beneath Mount Carmel, Israel: Silicides, phosphides, and carbides
WL Griffin, SEM Gain, MJ Saunders, JX Huang, O Alard, V Toledo, ...
American Mineralogist 107 (3), 532-549, 2022
Autorizações: Australian Research Council
Multi-mineral geochronology of kimberlites, kamafugites and alkaline-carbonatite rocks, SW São Francisco Craton, Brazil: Appraisal of intrusion ages
LB Takenaka, MW Förster, O Alard, WL Griffin, DE Jacob, MAS Basei, ...
Gondwana Research 124, 246-272, 2023
Autorizações: Australian Research Council
Constraints on martian depleted shergottite volcanism from the petrogenesis of olivine-phyric shergottites NWA 2046 and NWA 4925
CJ Peel, GH Howarth, JMD Day, P le Roux, O Alard
Journal of African Earth Sciences 202, 104901, 2023
Autorizações: National Research Foundation, South Africa
Application of Ge/Si ratios to ultramafic alkaline rocks using a novel LA-ICP-MS/MS method
MJM Phillips, SF Foley, O Alard
Chemical Geology 616, 121236, 2023
Autorizações: Australian Research Council
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Advances in in-situ Rb-Sr dating using LA-ICP-MS/MS: applications to igneous rocks of all ages and to the identification of unrecognized metamorphic events
C Wang, O Alard, YJ Lai, SF Foley, Y Liu, J Munnikhuis, Y Wang
Chemical Geology 610, 121073, 2022
Autorizações: Australian Research Council
Hydrogen, trace, and ultra-trace element distribution in natural olivines
S Demouchy, O Alard
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 176 (4), 26, 2021
Autorizações: Australian Research Council
Insights into the mantle geochemistry of scandium from a meta-analysis of garnet data
M Chassé, WL Griffin, O Alard, SY O’reilly, G Calas
Lithos 310, 409-421, 2018
Autorizações: Australian Research Council
Melting of sediments in the deep mantle produces saline fluid inclusions in diamonds
MW Förster, SF Foley, HR Marschall, O Alard, S Buhre
Science advances 5 (5), eaau2620, 2019
Autorizações: Australian Research Council
Sulfides and chalcophile elements in Roberts Victor eclogites: unravelling a sulfide-rich metasomatic event
Y Gréau, O Alard, WL Griffin, JX Huang, SY O'Reilly
Chemical Geology 354, 73-92, 2013
Autorizações: Australian Research Council
Extreme reduction: Mantle-derived oxide xenoliths from a hydrogen-rich environment
WL Griffin, SEM Gain, F Cámara, L Bindi, J Shaw, O Alard, M Saunders, ...
Lithos 358, 105404, 2020
Autorizações: Australian Research Council, Government of Italy
A suture related accretionary wedge in the Gondwana assembly: Insights from serpentinites in the Hoggar shield, Algeria
S Ouadahi, A Bendaoud, JL Bodinier, JM Dautria, A Vauchez, EH Fettous, ...
Precambrian Research 369, 106505, 2022
Autorizações: European Commission
Reworking of old continental lithosphere: unradiogenic Os and decoupled HfNd isotopes in sub-arc mantle pyroxenites
R Tilhac, B Oliveira, WL Griffin, SY O'Reilly, BF Schaefer, O Alard, ...
Lithos 354, 105346, 2020
Autorizações: Australian Research Council
Parageneses of TiB2 in corundum xenoliths from Mt. Carmel, Israel: Siderophile behavior of boron under reducing conditions
WL Griffin, SEM Gain, M Saunders, L Bindi, O Alard, V Toledo, SY O'Reilly
American Mineralogist 105 (11), 1609-1621, 2020
Autorizações: Australian Research Council, Government of Italy
Nitrogen under super-reducing conditions: Ti oxynitride melts in xenolithic corundum aggregates from Mt Carmel (N. Israel)
WL Griffin, SEM Gain, M Saunders, O Alard, J Shaw, V Toledo, SY O’reilly
Minerals 11 (7), 780, 2021
Autorizações: Australian Research Council
Eruption dynamics of pleistocene maars and tuff rings from the Azrou-Timahdite district (Middle Atlas, northern Morocco) and its relevance to environmental changes and ground …
H El Messbahi, JM Dautria, H Jourde, P Munch, O Alard, JL Bodinier, ...
Journal of African Earth Sciences 167, 103845, 2020
Autorizações: European Commission
Microscale petrographic, trace element, and isotopic constraints on glauconite diagenesis in altered sedimentary sequences: Implications for glauconite geochronology
M Rafiei, SC Lӧhr, O Alard, A Baldermann, J Farkaš, GA Brock
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 24 (4), e2022GC010795, 2023
Autorizações: Australian Research Council
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