Borja Alonso
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Effects of the COVID-19 lockdown on urban mobility: Empirical evidence from the city of Santander (Spain)
A Aloi, B Alonso, J Benavente, R Cordera, E Echániz, F González, ...
Sustainability 12 (9), 3870, 2020
Optimizing bus stop spacing in urban areas
Á Ibeas, L dell’Olio, B Alonso, O Sainz
Transportation Research part E: logistics and transportation review 46 (3 …, 2010
A simulation-optimization approach to design efficient systems of bike-sharing
JP Romero, A Ibeas, JL Moura, J Benavente, B Alonso
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 54, 646-655, 2012
Modelling user perception of taxi service quality
B Alonso, R Barreda, L dell’Olio, A Ibeas
Transport Policy 63, 157-164, 2018
A methodology based on parking policy to promote sustainable mobility in college campuses
L dell’Olio, R Cordera, A Ibeas, R Barreda, B Alonso, JL Moura
Transport Policy 80, 148-156, 2019
Behavioural changes in transport and future repercussions of the COVID-19 outbreak in Spain
E Echaniz, A Rodríguez, R Cordera, J Benavente, B Alonso, R Sañudo
Transport policy 111, 38-52, 2021
Using M∕ M∕∞ Queueing Model in On-Street Parking Maneuvers
AI Portilla, BA Oreña, JLM Berodia, FJR Díaz
Journal of Transportation Engineering 135, 527, 2009
Modelling parking behaviour considering users heterogeneities
G Antolín, A Ibeas, B Alonso, L dell'Olio
Transport Policy 67, 23-30, 2018
Effects of traffic control regulation on Network Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram: A statistical analysis of real data
B Alonso, Á Ibeas, G Musolino, C Rindone, A Vitetta
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 126, 136-151, 2019
Last-mile delivery by automated droids. Sustainability assessment on a real-world case study
A Garus, B Alonso, MA Raposo, M Grosso, J Krause, A Mourtzouchou, ...
Sustainable Cities and Society 79, 103728, 2022
A two-stage urban bus stop location model
JL Moura, B Alonso, Á Ibeas, FJ Ruisánchez
Networks and Spatial Economics 12, 403-420, 2012
Network Fundamental Diagram (NFD) and traffic signal control: First empirical evidences from the city of Santander
B Alonso, ÁI Pòrtilla, G Musolino, C Rindone, A Vitetta
Transportation research procedia 27, 27-34, 2017
Bus stop location under different levels of network congestion and elastic demand
B Alonso, JL Moura, L Dell'Olio, Á Ibeas
Transport 26 (2), 141-148, 2011
Analysis of the influence of support positions in transition zones. A numerical analysis
R Sañudo, M Cerrada, B Alonso, L dell'Olio
Construction and Building Materials 145, 207-217, 2017
Exploring the acceptance of connected and automated vehicles: Focus group discussions with experts and non-experts in transport
A Duboz, A Mourtzouchou, M Grosso, V Kolarova, R Cordera, S Nägele, ...
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 89, 200-221, 2022
Modeling the service quality of public bicycle schemes considering user heterogeneity
M Bordagaray, L Dell’Olio, Á Ibeas, R Barreda, B Alonso
International Journal of Sustainable Transportation 9 (8), 580-591, 2015
Bus size and headways optimization model considering elastic demand
A Ibeas, B Alonso, L dell’Olio, JL Moura
Journal of Transportation Engineering 140 (4), 04013021, 2014
A simulation tool for bicycle sharing systems in multimodal networks
JP Romero, JL Moura, A Ibeas, B Alonso
Transportation Planning and Technology 38 (6), 646-663, 2015
Impact of new mobility solutions on travel behaviour and its incorporation into travel demand models
A Garus, B Alonso, M Alonso Raposo, B Ciuffo, L dell’Olio
Journal of Advanced Transportation 2022 (1), 7293909, 2022
Illegal use of loading bays and its impact on the use of public space
S Ezquerro, JL Moura, B Alonso
Sustainability 12 (15), 5915, 2020
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