A computationally efficient mixed-integer linear formulation for the thermal unit commitment problem M Carrión, JM Arroyo
IEEE Transactions on power systems 21 (3), 1371-1378, 2006
2181 2006 Optimal response of a thermal unit to an electricity spot market JM Arroyo, AJ Conejo
IEEE Transactions on power systems 15 (3), 1098-1104, 2000
718 2000 Transmission loss allocation: A comparison of different practical algorithms ALG AJ Conejo, JM Arroyo, N Alguacil
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 17 (3), 571-576, 2002
542 2002 Self-scheduling of a hydro producer in a pool-based electricity market AJ Conejo, JM Arroyo, J Contreras, FA Villamor
IEEE Transactions on power systems 17 (4), 1265-1272, 2002
487 2002 Price-taker bidding strategy under price uncertainty AJ Conejo, FJ Nogales, JM Arroyo
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 17 (4), 1081-1088, 2002
452 2002 Scheduling and pricing of coupled energy and primary, secondary, and tertiary reserves FD Galiana, F Bouffard, JM Arroyo, JF Restrepo
Proceedings of the IEEE 93 (11), 1970-1983, 2005
424 2005 Energy and reserve pricing in security and network-constrained electricity markets JM Arroyo, FD Galiana
IEEE transactions on power systems 20 (2), 634-643, 2005
322 2005 Day-ahead self-scheduling of a virtual power plant in energy and reserve electricity markets under uncertainty A Baringo, L Baringo, JM Arroyo
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 34 (3), 1881-1894, 2018
319 2018 Contingency-Constrained Unit Commitment With Security Criterion: A Robust Optimization Approach A Street, F Oliveira, JM Arroyo
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 26 (3), 1581-1590, 2011
315 2011 Bilevel programming applied to power system vulnerability analysis under multiple contingencies JM Arroyo
IET generation, transmission & distribution 4 (2), 178-190, 2010
310 2010 On the solution of the bilevel programming formulation of the terrorist threat problem JM Arroyo, FD Galiana
IEEE transactions on Power Systems 20 (2), 789-797, 2005
306 2005 Forward contracting and selling price determination for a retailer M Carrion, AJ Conejo, JM Arroyo
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 22 (4), 2105-2114, 2007
294 2007 A bilevel stochastic programming approach for retailer futures market trading M Carrión, JM Arroyo, AJ Conejo
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 24 (3), 1446-1456, 2009
291 2009 A stochastic programming approach to electric energy procurement for large consumers MC AB Philpott, AJ Conejo, JM Arroyo
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 22 (2), 744-754, 2007
287 * 2007 Price maker self-scheduling in a pool-based electricity market: a mixed-integer LP approach S de la Torre, JM Arroyo, AJ Conejo, J Contreras
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 17 (4), 1037-1042, 2002
264 2002 Joint expansion planning of distributed generation and distribution networks G Muñoz-Delgado, J Contreras, JM Arroyo
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 30 (5), 2579-2590, 2015
261 2015 A mixed-integer LP procedure for the analysis of electric grid security under disruptive threat AL Motto, JM Arroyo, FD Galiana
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 20 (3), 1357-1365, 2005
255 2005 Scenario-based dynamic economic emission dispatch considering load and wind power uncertainties J Aghaei, T Niknam, R Azizipanah-Abarghooee, JM Arroyo
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 47, 351-367, 2013
246 2013 Modeling of start-up and shut-down power trajectories of thermal units JM Arroyo, AJ Conejo
IEEE Transactions on power systems 19 (3), 1562-1568, 2004
239 2004 Multistage generation and network expansion planning in distribution systems considering uncertainty and reliability G Muñoz-Delgado, J Contreras, JM Arroyo
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 31 (5), 3715-3728, 2016
236 2016