Hierarchical spectral clustering of power grids RJ Sánchez-García, M Fennelly, S Norris, N Wright, G Niblo, J Brodzki, ...
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 29 (5), 2229-2237, 2014
313 2014 Constrained spectral clustering‐based methodology for intentional controlled islanding of large‐scale power systems J Quirós‐Tortós, R Sánchez‐García, J Brodzki, J Bialek, V Terzija
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 9 (1), 31-42, 2015
100 2015 D-branes, RR-fields and duality on noncommutative manifolds J Brodzki, V Mathai, J Rosenberg, RJ Szabo
Communications in mathematical physics 277 (3), 643-706, 2008
86 2008 Lung topology characteristics in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease F Belchi, M Pirashvili, J Conway, M Bennett, R Djukanovic, J Brodzki
Scientific reports 8 (1), 5341, 2018
63 2018 Property A, partial translation structures, and uniform embeddings in groups J Brodzki, GA Niblo, NJ Wright
Journal of the London Mathematical Society 76 (2), 479-497, 2007
56 2007 Property A and CAT (0) cube complexes J Brodzki, SJ Campbell, E Guentner, GA Niblo, NJ Wright
Journal of Functional Analysis 256 (5), 1408-1431, 2009
55 2009 Uniform local amenability J Brodzki, GA Niblo, J Špakula, R Willett, N Wright
Journal of Noncommutative Geometry 7 (2), 583-603, 2013
41 2013 Exactness of locally compact groups J Brodzki, C Cave, K Li
Advances in Mathematics 312, 209-233, 2017
37 2017 Patterns of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus dynamics in decomposing wood blocks in Canadian forests CE Smyth, B Titus, JA Trofymow, TR Moore, CM Preston, CE Prescott, ...
Plant and Soil 409, 459-477, 2016
37 2016 The geometry of synchronization problems and learning group actions T Gao, J Brodzki, S Mukherjee
Discrete & Computational Geometry 65 (1), 150-211, 2021
35 2021 Non-commutative correspondences, duality and D-branes in bivariant K-theory J Brodzki, V Mathai, J Rosenberg, RJ Szabo
34 2009 Improved understanding of aqueous solubility modeling through topological data analysis M Pirashvili, L Steinberg, F Belchi Guillamon, M Niranjan, JG Frey, ...
Journal of cheminformatics 10, 1-14, 2018
32 2018 Periodic cyclic homology of certain nuclear algebras J Brodzki, R Plymen
Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences-Series I-Mathematics 329 (8), 671-676, 1999
27 1999 A numerical measure of the instability of mapper-type algorithms F Belchí, J Brodzki, M Burfitt, M Niranjan
Journal of Machine Learning Research 21 (202), 1-45, 2020
23 2020 Complex structure on the smooth dual of J Brodzki, R Plymen
Documenta Mathematica 7, 91-112, 2002
20 2002 Approximation properties for discrete groups J Brodzki, GA Niblo
C*-algebras and Elliptic Theory, 23-35, 2006
19 2006 Amenable actions, invariant means and bounded cohomology J Brodzki, GA Niblo, PW Nowak, N Wright
Journal of Topology and Analysis 4 (03), 321-334, 2012
18 2012 Excision in cyclic type homology of Fréchet algebras J Brodzki, ZA Lykova
Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 33 (3), 283-291, 2001
17 2001 Pairings, duality, amenability and bounded cohomology GA Niblo, J Brodzki, N Wright
Journal of the European Mathematical Society 14 (5), 1513-1518, 2012
16 2012 An introduction to K-theory and cyclic cohomology J Brodzki
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