On the synthesis of elements at very high temperatures RV Wagoner, WA Fowler, F Hoyle Astrophysical Journal, vol. 148, p. 3 148, 3, 1967 | 1477 | 1967 |
Scalar-tensor theory and gravitational waves RV Wagoner Physical Review D 1 (12), 3209, 1970 | 1121 | 1970 |
Big-bang nucleosynthesis revisited RV Wagoner Astrophysical Journal, Vol. 179, pp. 343-360 (1973) 179, 343-360, 1973 | 715 | 1973 |
Astrophysical bounds on the masses of axions and Higgs particles DA Dicus, EW Kolb, VL Teplitz, RV Wagoner Physical Review D 18 (6), 1829, 1978 | 485 | 1978 |
Element production in the early universe DN Schramm, RV Wagoner Annual Review of Nuclear Science 27, 1977 | 428 | 1977 |
Synthesis of the elements within objects exploding from very high temperatures RV Wagoner Astrophysical Journal Supplement, vol. 18, p. 247 (1969) 18, 247, 1969 | 415 | 1969 |
Gravitational radiation from accreting neutron stars RV Wagoner Astrophysical Journal, Part 1 (ISSN 0004-637X), vol. 278, March 1, 1984, p …, 1984 | 347 | 1984 |
Relativistic disks. I. Uniform rotation JM Bardeen, RV Wagoner Astrophysical Journal, vol. 167, p. 359 167, 359, 1971 | 308 | 1971 |
SN 1992A: ultraviolet and optical studies based on HST, IUE and CTIO observations RP Kirshner, DJ Jeffery, B Leibundgut, PM Challis, G Sonneborn, ... The Astrophysical journal. Chicago. Vol. 415, no. 2, pt. 1 (Oct. 1993), p …, 1993 | 306 | 1993 |
Post-Newtonian gravitational radiation from orbiting point masses RV Wagoner, CM Will Astrophysical Journal, vol. 210, Dec. 15, 1976, pt. 1, p. 764-775. 210, 764-775, 1976 | 256 | 1976 |
Astrophysical bounds on very-low-mass axions DA Dicus, EW Kolb, VL Teplitz, RV Wagoner Physical Review D 22 (4), 839, 1980 | 234 | 1980 |
“Stable” quasi-periodic oscillations and black hole properties from diskoseismology RV Wagoner, AS Silbergleit, M Ortega-Rodriguez The Astrophysical Journal 559 (1), L25, 2001 | 228 | 2001 |
Diskoseismology: Probing accretion disks. I-Trapped adiabatic oscillations MA Nowak, RV Wagoner Astrophysical Journal, Part 1 (ISSN 0004-637X), vol. 378, Sept. 10, 1991, p …, 1991 | 228 | 1991 |
Relativistic diskoseismology RV Wagoner Physics Reports 311 (3-5), 259-269, 1999 | 225 | 1999 |
Aligned rotating magnetospheres. General analysis ET Scharlemann, RV Wagoner Astrophysical Journal, Vol. 182, pp. 951-960 (1973) 182, 951-960, 1973 | 212 | 1973 |
Relativistic diskoseismology. I. Analytical results for “gravity modes” CA Perez, AS Silbergleit, RV Wagoner, DE Lehr The Astrophysical Journal 476 (2), 589, 1997 | 197 | 1997 |
Post-Newtonian generation of gravitational waves R Epstein, RV Wagoner Astrophysical Journal, vol. 197, May 1, 1975, pt. 1, p. 717-723. 197, 717-723, 1975 | 195 | 1975 |
The 67 HZ feature in the black hole candidate GRS 1915+ 105 as a possible “Diskoseismic” mode MA Nowak, RV Wagoner, MC Begelman, DE Lehr The Astrophysical Journal 477 (2), L91, 1997 | 182 | 1997 |
Relativistic Diskoseismology. II. Analytical Results forc-modes AS Silbergleit, RV Wagoner, M Ortega-Rodríguez The Astrophysical Journal 548 (1), 335, 2001 | 129 | 2001 |
Diskoseismology: Probing accretion disks. II-G-modes, gravitational radiation reaction, and viscosity MA Nowak, RV Wagoner Astrophysical Journal, Part 1 (ISSN 0004-637X), vol. 393, no. 2, July 10 …, 1992 | 128 | 1992 |