Christophe Boone
Christophe Boone
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Social value orientation and cooperation in social dilemmas: A review and conceptual model
S Bogaert, C Boone, C Declerck
British journal of social psychology 47 (3), 453-480, 2008
Top management team functional diversity and firm performance: The moderating role of CEO characteristics
T Buyl, C Boone, W Hendriks, P Matthyssens
Journal of management studies 48 (1), 151-177, 2011
Top management team diversity and firm performance: Moderators of functional-background and locus-of-control diversity
C Boone, W Hendriks
Management science 55 (2), 165-180, 2009
CEO narcissism, risk-taking, and resilience: An empirical analysis in US commercial banks
T Buyl, C Boone, JB Wade
Journal of Management 45 (4), 1372-1400, 2019
Oxytocin and cooperation under conditions of uncertainty: the modulating role of incentives and social information
CH Declerck, C Boone, T Kiyonari
Hormones and behavior 57 (3), 368-374, 2010
CEO locus of control and small firm performance: An integrative framework and empirical test
C Boone, B De Brabander, A Van Witteloostuijn
Journal of management studies 33 (5), 667-700, 1996
Top management team nationality diversity, corporate entrepreneurship, and innovation in multinational firms
C Boone, B Lokshin, H Guenter, R Belderbos
Strategic management journal 40 (2), 277-302, 2019
CEO greed, corporate social responsibility, and organizational resilience to systemic shocks
M Sajko, C Boone, T Buyl
Journal of Management 47 (4), 957-992, 2021
The genesis of top management team diversity: Selective turnover among top management teams in Dutch newspaper publishing, 1970–94
C Boone, W Van Olffen, A Van Witteloostuijn, B De Brabander
Academy of Management Journal 47 (5), 633-656, 2004
The impact of personality on behavior in five Prisoner's Dilemma games
C Boone, B De Brabander, A Van Witteloostuijn
Journal of Economic Psychology 20 (3), 343-377, 1999
When do people cooperate? The neuroeconomics of prosocial decision making
CH Declerck, C Boone, G Emonds
Brain and cognition 81 (1), 95-117, 2013
Team locus-of-control composition, leadership structure, information acquisition, and financial performance: A business simulation study
C Boone, V Olffen, A Witteloostuijn
Academy of Management Journal 48 (5), 889-909, 2005
Resource distributions and market partitioning: Dutch daily newspapers, 1968 to 1994
C Boone, GR Carroll, A Van Witteloostuijn
American Sociological Review 67 (3), 408-431, 2002
Industrial organization and organizational ecology: The potentials for cross-fertilization
C Boone, A Van Witteloostuijn
Organization Studies 16 (2), 265-298, 1995
On feeling in control: A biological theory for individual differences in control perception
CH Declerck, C Boone, B De Brabander
Brain and cognition 62 (2), 143-176, 2006
Custom service: Application and tests of resource-partitioning theory among Dutch auditing firms from 1896 to 1992
C Boone, V Brdcheler, GR Carroll
Organization Studies 21 (2), 355-381, 2000
Why do cooperatives emerge in a world dominated by corporations? The diffusion of cooperatives in the US bio-ethanol industry, 1978–2013
C Boone, S Özcan
Academy of Management Journal 57 (4), 990-1012, 2014
Inducing cooperative behavior among proselfs versus prosocials: The moderating role of incentives and trust
C Boone, C Declerck, T Kiyonari
Journal of Conflict Resolution 54 (5), 799-824, 2010
A registered replication study on oxytocin and trust
CH Declerck, C Boone, L Pauwels, B Vogt, E Fehr
Nature Human Behaviour 4 (6), 646-655, 2020
Generalized vs. specific locus of control expectancies of chief executive officers
C Boone, B De Brabander
Strategic Management Journal 14 (8), 619-625, 1993
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