Peder Klit
Peder Klit
Professor in Machine Elements, Technical University of Denmark
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Calculation of the dynamic coefficients of a journal bearing, using a variational approach
P Klit, JW Lund
A study on compliant layers and its influence on dynamic response of a hydrodynamic journal bearing
K Thomsen, P Klit
Tribology International 44 (12), 1872-1877, 2011
Implementation and applications of a finite-element model for the contact between rough surfaces
K Poulios, P Klit
Wear 303 (1-2), 1-8, 2013
Improvement of journal bearing operation at heavy misalignment using bearing flexibility and compliant liners
K Thomsen, P Klit
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of …, 2012
Observations of the effect of varying Hoop stress on fatigue failure and the formation of white etching areas in hydrogen infused 100Cr6 steel rings
S Janakiraman, O West, P Klit, NS Jensen
International Journal of Fatigue 77, 128-140, 2015
A reciprocating pin-on-plate test-rig for studying friction materials for holding brakes
K Poulios, N Drago, P Klit, L De Chiffre
Wear 311 (1-2), 40-46, 2014
Design of pumps for water hydraulic systems
T Bech, S Olsen, P Klit
The sixth Scandinavian international conference on fluid power (Tampere, May …, 1999
Investigation of journal orbit and flow pattern in a dynamically loaded journal bearing
CK Christiansen, JH Walther, P Klit, A Vølund
Tribology International 114, 450-457, 2017
Investigation of different piston ring curvatures on lubricant transport along cylinder liner in large two-stroke marine diesel engines
H Overgaard, P Klit, A Vølund
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of …, 2018
Observations on the effects of grooved surfaces on the interfacial torque in highly loaded rolling and sliding tests
S Janakiraman, P Klit, NS Jensen, J Gronbaek
Tribology International 81, 179-189, 2015
Coefficient of friction measurements for thermoplastics and fibre composites under low sliding velocity and high pressure
K Poulios, G Svendsen, J Hiller, P Klit
Tribology letters 51, 191-198, 2013
On controllable elastohydrodynamic fluid film bearings
MA Haugaard
DTU Mechanical Engineering, 2011
Testing of newly developed functional surfaces under pure sliding conditions
A Godi, K Mohaghegh, J Grønbæk, P Klit, L De Chiffre
Tribology Letters 51, 171-180, 2013
Development of a model capable of predicting the performance of piston ring—cylinder liner-like tribological interfaces
CL Felter, A Vølund, T Imran, P Klit
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of …, 2010
Towards CDIO-based B. Eng. studies at the Technical University of Denmark
J Sparsø, P Klit, M May, G Mohr, ME Vigild
Proceedings 3rd International CDIO Conference, 2007
Machine Elements: Analysis and Design
P Klit, K Casper, NL Pedersen
Polyteknisk Forlag, 2009
Towards Cdio-Based B
J Sparsø, P Klit, M May, G Mohr, ME Vigild
Eng. studies at the Technical University of Denmatk, Proceedings of the 3rd …, 2007
Comparison and classification of design build projects in different engineering bachelor programs
ME Vigild, LE Willumsen, E Borchersen, K Clement, LB Jensen, ...
Proceedings of the 5th International CDIO Conference, Singapore Polytechnic …, 2009
Experimental piston ring tribology for marine diesel engines
P Klit, A Vo̸lund
International Joint Tribology Conference 43369, 493-497, 2008
Lubrication of Piston Rings in Large 2–and 4–stroke Diesel Engines
CL Felter
Technical University of Denmark, 2007
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