Disa Mhembere
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{FlashGraph}: Processing {Billion-Node} graphs on an array of commodity {SSDs}
D Zheng, D Mhembere, R Burns, J Vogelstein, CE Priebe, AS Szalay
13th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies (FAST 15), 45-58, 2015
MIGRAINE: MRI graph reliability analysis and inference for connectomics
WG Roncal, ZH Koterba, D Mhembere, DM Kleissas, JT Vogelstein, ...
2013 IEEE global conference on signal and information processing, 313-316, 2013
A high-throughput pipeline identifies robust connectomes but troublesome variability
G Kiar, EW Bridgeford, WRG Roncai, ...
Biorxiv, 188706, 2017
Semi-external memory sparse matrix multiplication for billion-node graphs
D Zheng, D Mhembere, V Lyzinski, JT Vogelstein, CE Priebe, R Burns
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 28 (5), 1470-1483, 2016
Forest packing: Fast parallel, decision forests
J Browne, D Mhembere, TM Tomita, JT Vogelstein, R Burns
Proceedings of the 2019 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, 46-54, 2019
Computing scalable multivariate glocal invariants of large (brain-) graphs
D Mhembere, WG Roncal, D Sussman, CE Priebe, R Jung, S Ryman, ...
2013 IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing, 297-300, 2013
ndmg: Neurodata’s mri graphs pipeline
G Kiar, WG Roncal, D Mhembere, E Bridgeford, R Burns, J Vogelstein
Zenodo, 2016
knor: a NUMA-optimized in-memory, distributed and semi-external-memory k-means library
D Mhembere, D Zheng, CE Priebe, JT Vogelstein, R Burns
Proceedings of the 26th International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel …, 2017
A high-throughput pipeline identifies robust connectomes but troublesome variability. bioRxiv, 188706
G Kiar, EW Bridgeford, WR Gray Roncal, V Chandrashekhar, ...
submitted for publication, 2018
FlashMatrix: parallel, scalable data analysis with generalized matrix operations using commodity SSDs
D Zheng, D Mhembere, JT Vogelstein, CE Priebe, R Burns
arXiv preprint arXiv:1604.06414 9, 30, 2016
FlashR: parallelize and scale R for machine learning using SSDs
D Zheng, D Mhembere, JT Vogelstein, CE Priebe, R Burns
Proceedings of the 23rd ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of …, 2018
clusterNOR: A NUMA-Optimized Clustering Framework
D Mhembere, D Zheng, CE Priebe, JT Vogelstein, R Burns
arXiv preprint arXiv:1902.09527, 2019
A low-resource reliable pipeline to democratize multi-modal connectome estimation and analysis
J Chung, R Lawrence, A Loftus, D Pisner, G Kiar, EW Bridgeford, ...
bioRxiv, 2021.11. 01.466686, 2021
Graphyti: a semi-external memory graph library for FlashGraph
D Mhembere, D Zheng, CE Priebe, JT Vogelstein, R Burns
arXiv preprint arXiv:1907.03335, 2019
Massive diffusion mri graph structure preserves spatial information
DL Sussman, D Mhembere, S Ryman, R Jung, RJ Vogelstein, R Burns, ...
Organization for Human Brain Mapping, 2013
Scalable Graph Analysis and Clustering on Commodity Hardware
DN Mhembere
Johns Hopkins University, 2019
Feature Clustering from a Brain Graph for Voxel-to-Region Classification
N Sismanis, DL Sussman, JT Vogelstein, W Gray, RJ Vogelstein, ...
A Comprehensive Cloud Framework for Scalable, Reliable, and Replicable Human Connectome Es-timation and Meganalysis
G Kiar, WRG Roncal, V Chandrashekhar, EW Bridgeford, D Mhembere, ...
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