Jean-François Bonnefon
Jean-François Bonnefon
Toulouse School of Economics - TSMR - IAST - CNRS - ANITI
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The moral machine experiment
E Awad, S Dsouza, R Kim, J Schulz, J Henrich, A Shariff, JF Bonnefon, ...
Nature 563 (7729), 59-64, 2018
The social dilemma of autonomous vehicles
JF Bonnefon, A Shariff, I Rahwan
Science 352 (6293), 1573-1576, 2016
Machine behaviour
I Rahwan, M Cebrian, N Obradovich, J Bongard, JF Bonnefon, C Breazeal, ...
Nature, 143-166, 2019
Psychological roadblocks to the adoption of self-driving vehicles
A Shariff, JF Bonnefon, I Rahwan
Nature Human Behaviour 1 (10), 694-696, 2017
Universals and variations in moral decisions made in 42 countries by 70,000 participants
E Awad, S Dsouza, A Shariff, I Rahwan, JF Bonnefon
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (5), 2332-2337, 2020
Cooperating with machines
JW Crandall, M Oudah, Tennom, F Ishowo-Oloko, S Abdallah, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 233, 2018
Mortality salience and morality: Thinking about death makes people less utilitarian
B Trémolière, W De Neys, JF Bonnefon
Cognition 124 (3), 379-384, 2012
Tactful or doubtful? Expectations of politeness explain the severity bias in the interpretation of probability phrases
JF Bonnefon, G Villejoubert
Psychological Science 17 (9), 747-751, 2006
The modular nature of trustworthiness detection.
JF Bonnefon, A Hopfensitz, W De Neys
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 142 (1), 143, 2013
Behavioural evidence for a transparency–efficiency tradeoff in human–machine cooperation
F Ishowo-Oloko, JF Bonnefon, Z Soroye, J Crandall, I Rahwan, T Rahwan
Nature Machine Intelligence 1 (11), 517-521, 2019
Drivers are blamed more than their automated cars when both make mistakes
E Awad, S Levine, M Kleiman-Weiner, S Dsouza, JB Tenenbaum, ...
Nature human behaviour, 1-10, 2019
When some is actually all: Scalar inferences in face-threatening contexts
JF Bonnefon, A Feeney, G Villejoubert
Cognition 112 (2), 249-258, 2009
Causal understanding is not necessary for the improvement of culturally evolving technology
M Derex, JF Bonnefon, R Boyd, A Mesoudi
Nature human behaviour 3 (5), 446-452, 2019
The ‘whys’ and ‘whens’ of individual differences in thinking biases
W De Neys, JF Bonnefon
Trends in cognitive sciences 17 (4), 172-178, 2013
Bad machines corrupt good morals
N Köbis, JF Bonnefon, I Rahwan
Nature human behaviour 5 (6), 679-685, 2021
Efficient kill–save ratios ease up the cognitive demands on counterintuitive moral utilitarianism
B Trémolière, JF Bonnefon
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 40 (7), 923-930, 2014
The moral preferences of investors: Experimental evidence
JF Bonnefon, A Landier, P Sastry, D Thesmar
Journal of Financial Economics 163, 103955, 2025
A theory of utility conditionals: Paralogical reasoning from decision-theoretic leakage.
JF Bonnefon
Psychological Review 116 (4), 888, 2009
An argumentation-based approach to multiple criteria decision
L Amgoud, JF Bonnefon, H Prade
European Conference on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning and …, 2005
Behavioral experiments for assessing the abstract argumentation semantics of reinstatement
I Rahwan, MI Madakkatel, JF Bonnefon, RN Awan, S Abdallah
Cognitive Science 34 (8), 1483-1502, 2010
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Artigos 1–20