Sofía Avila
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Citado por
Environmental conflicts and defenders: A global overview
A Scheidel, D Del Bene, J Liu, G Navas, S Mingorría, F Demaria, S Avila, ...
Global Environmental Change 63, 102104, 2020
Movements shaping climate futures: A systematic mapping of protests against fossil fuel and low-carbon energy projects
L Temper, S Avila, D Del Bene, J Gobby, N Kosoy, P Le Billon, ...
Environmental Research Letters 15 (12), 123004, 2020
Environmental justice and the expanding geography of wind power conflicts
S Avila
Sustainability Science 13 (3), 599-616, 2018
Contesting energy transitions: wind power and conflicts in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec
S Avila-Calero
Journal of Political Ecology 24 (1), 992-1012, 2017
Ecological economics and degrowth: Proposing a future research agenda from the margins
K Hanaček, B Roy, S Avila, G Kallis
Ecological Economics 169, 106495, 2020
Ecological distribution conflicts (EDCs) over mineral extraction in India: An overview
A Bisht, JF Gerber
The Extractive Industries and Society 4 (3), 548-563, 2017
(Counter) mapping renewables: Space, justice, and politics of wind and solar power in Mexico
S Avila, Y Deniau, AH Sorman, J McCarthy
Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space 5 (3), 1056-1085, 2022
Brototi Roy, Arnim Scheidel, and Mariana Walter. 2020.“Movements shaping climate futures: A systematic mapping of protests against fossil fuel and low-carbon energy projects.”
L Temper, S Avila, D Del Bene, J Gobby, N Kosoy, P Le Billon, ...
Environmental research letters 15 (12), 123004, 0
Mining coal while digging for justice: Investigating justice claims against a coal-phase out in five countries
H Busch, V Ramasar, S Avila, B Roy, T van Ryneveld, A Mandinic, ...
The Extractive Industries and Society 15, 101275, 2023
Transición energética y justicia socioambiental. Aproximaciones desde el Sur global
S Avila
Alternativas para limitar el calentamiento global en 1 (5), 2019
Land and Resource Appropriations in the Global Energy Transition
A Scheidel, AH Sorman, S Avila, D Del Bene, J Ott
Assembling a rich and diverse set of scholarly contributions, the handbook …, 2023
" La ecología política llegó para quedarse": Una entrevista con Víctor M. Toledo
SA Calero
Ecología política, 92-99, 2015
Entrevista a Enrique Leff
SÁ Calero
Ecología política, 120-127, 2015
Critical mapping for researching and acting upon environmental conflicts–the case of the EJAtlas
D Del Bene, S Ávila
The Barcelona School of Ecological Economics and Political Ecology: A …, 2023
Frente al crecimiento verde. Visiones de" lo común" desde el Colectivo Timbaktu (Andhra Pradesh, India)
S Ávila, S Rao
Ecología Política, 100-104, 2018
Ecología Política
S Ávila, IY Campos
Entrevista a Enrique Leff, 2015
Decarbonizing the South: space, justice and politics at the renewable energy frontiers
S Avila
Transición energética. Consenso hegemónico y disputas desde el Sur
SR Gaona, D Del Bene, M Argento, S Ávila, AM Veintimilla, D Jeziorny, ...
Ecología Política, 4-8, 2023
Renewables grabbing
A Scheidel, AH Sorman, S Avila, D Del Bene, J Ott
Debates sobre la transición justa en México. Desarrollo, demandas obreras y ambientalismo popular
S Ávila
Sociedad y Ambiente, 1-36, 2024
O sistema não pode efectuar a operação agora. Tente mais tarde.
Artigos 1–20