Jon Carr
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Business research methods
WG Zikmund, BJ Babin, JC Carr, M Griffin
Dryden Press, 2000
Business research methods
C Quinlan
(No Title), 2013
Prior family business exposure as intergenerational influence and entrepreneurial intent: A theory of planned behavior approach
JC Carr, JM Sequeira
Journal of business research 60 (10), 1090-1098, 2007
Toward a theory of familiness: A social capital perspective
AW Pearson, JC Carr, JC Shaw
Entrepreneurship theory and practice 32 (6), 949-969, 2008
Abusive supervision, intentions to quit, and employees’ workplace deviance: A power/dependence analysis
BJ Tepper, JC Carr, DM Breaux, S Geider, C Hu, W Hua
Organizational behavior and human decision processes 109 (2), 156-167, 2009
Business research methods
C Quinlan
South-Western Cengage Learning, 2011
Abusive supervision, upward maintenance communication, and subordinates' psychological distress
BJ Tepper, SE Moss, DE Lockhart, JC Carr
Academy of management Journal 50 (5), 1169-1180, 2007
Insights and new directions from demand-side approaches to technology innovation, entrepreneurship, and strategic management research
RL Priem, S Li, JC Carr
Journal of management 38 (1), 346-374, 2012
The moderating effect of work—family centrality on work—family conflict, organizational attitudes, and turnover behavior
JC Carr, SL Boyar, BT Gregory
Journal of Management 34 (2), 244-262, 2008
Integrating discovery and creation perspectives of entrepreneurial action: The relative roles of founding CEO human capital, social capital, and psychological capital in …
KM Hmieleski, JC Carr, RA Baron
Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal 9 (4), 289-312, 2015
The impact of work/family demand on work‐family conflict
SL Boyar, CP Maertz Jr, DC Mosley Jr, JC Carr
Journal of Managerial Psychology 23 (3), 215-235, 2008
Business research Methods, 6th
WG Zikmund, G Carr
Dryden Press, 2000
A measure of variations in internal social capital among family firms
JC Carr, MS Cole, JK Ring, DP Blettner
Entrepreneurship theory and practice 35 (6), 1207-1227, 2011
Prior occupational experience, anticipatory socialization, and employee retention
JC Carr, AW Pearson, MJ Vest, SL Boyar
Journal of management 32 (3), 343-359, 2006
A study of the moderating effects of firm age at internationalization on firm survival and short‐term growth
JC Carr, KS Haggard, KM Hmieleski, SA Zahra
Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal 4 (2), 183-192, 2010
Forgotten but not gone: An examination of fit between leader consideration and initiating structure needed and received.
LS Lambert, BJ Tepper, JC Carr, DT Holt, AJ Barelka
Journal of Applied Psychology 97 (5), 913, 2012
The relationship between entrepreneur psychological capital and new venture performance
KM Hmieleski, JC Carr
Frontiers of entrepreneurship research, 2008
Business Research Method, Canada: South–Western, Cengage Learning
WG Zikmud, BJ Babin, JC Carr, M Graffin
Transnational entrepreneurship: determinants of firm type and owner attributions of success
JM Sequeira, JC Carr, AA Rasheed
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 33 (5), 1023-1044, 2009
Business research methods (ed.)
WG Zikmund, BJ Babin, JC Carr, M Griffin
Thomson/South-Western, Cincinnati, OH, 2003
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