Nazim Kemal Ure
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Decision making under uncertainty: theory and application
MJ Kochenderfer, C Amato, G Chowdhary, JP How, JDR Hayley, ...
MIT press, 2015
An automated battery management system to enable persistent missions with multiple aerial vehicles
NK Ure, G Chowdhary, T Toksoz, JP How, MA Vavrina, J Vian
IEEE/ASME transactions on mechatronics 20 (1), 275-286, 2014
Comparison of fixed and variable pitch actuators for agile quadrotors
M Cutler, NK Ure, B Michini, J How
AIAA guidance, navigation, and control conference, 6406, 2011
Decentralized control of partially observable Markov decision processes
C Amato, G Chowdhary, A Geramifard, NK Üre, MJ Kochenderfer
52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2398-2405, 2013
Automated lane change decision making using deep reinforcement learning in dynamic and uncertain highway environment
A Alizadeh, M Moghadam, Y Bicer, NK Ure, U Yavas, C Kurtulus
2019 IEEE intelligent transportation systems conference (ITSC), 1399-1404, 2019
Deep-learning-based crack detection with applications for the structural health monitoring of gas turbines
M Mohtasham Khani, S Vahidnia, L Ghasemzadeh, YE Ozturk, ...
Structural Health Monitoring 19 (5), 1440-1452, 2020
Integration of path/maneuver planning in complex environments for agile maneuvering ucavs
E Koyuncu, NK Ure, G Inalhan
Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 57, 143-170, 2010
Autonomous control of unmanned combat air vehicles: Design of a multimodal control and flight planning framework for agile maneuvering
NK Ure, G Inalhan
IEEE Control Systems Magazine 32 (5), 74-95, 2012
Health aware stochastic planning for persistent package delivery missions using quadrotors
A Agha-mohammadi, NK Ure, JP How, J Vian
2014 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2014
Design and flight testing of an autonomous variable-pitch quadrotor
B Michini, J Redding, NK Ure, M Cutler, JP How
2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2978-2979, 2011
Analysis of delay characteristics of European air traffic through a data-driven airport-centric queuing network model
B Baspinar, NK Ure, E Koyuncu, G Inalhan
IFAC-PapersOnLine 49 (3), 359-364, 2016
Autolanding control system design with deep learning based fault estimation
B Eroglu, MC Sahin, NK Ure
Aerospace Science and Technology 102, 105855, 2020
Health aware planning under uncertainty for uav missions with heterogeneous teams
NK Ure, G Chowdhary, JP How, MA Vavrina, J Vian
2013 european control conference (ecc), 3312-3319, 2013
Mar-cps: Measurable augmented reality for prototyping cyber-physical systems
S Omidshafiei, AA Agha-Mohammadi, YF Chen, NK Üre, JP How, JL Vian, ...
AIAA Infotech@ Aerospace, 0643, 2015
Localization and tracking of RF emitting targets with multiple unmanned aerial vehicles in large scale environments with uncertain transmitter power
M Hasanzade, O Herekoglu, NK Ure, E Koyuncu, R Yeniceri, G Inalhan
2017 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), 1058-1065, 2017
Adaptive planning for Markov decision processes with uncertain transition models via incremental feature dependency discovery
NK Ure, A Geramifard, G Chowdhary, JP How
Joint European conference on machine learning and knowledge discovery in …, 2012
Measurable augmented reality for prototyping cyberphysical systems: A robotics platform to aid the hardware prototyping and performance testing of algorithms
S Omidshafiei, AA Agha-Mohammadi, YF Chen, NK Ure, SY Liu, ...
IEEE Control Systems Magazine 36 (6), 65-87, 2016
Optimized airborne collision avoidance
MJ Kochenderfer, C Amato, G Chowdhary, JP How, HJD Reynolds, ...
MIT press, 2015
The development of a Software and Hardware-in-the-Loop Test System for ITU-PSAT II nano satellite ADCS
NK Ure, YB Kaya, G Inalhan
2011 Aerospace Conference, 1-15, 2011
Experimental results of concurrent learning adaptive controllers
G Chowdhary, T Wu, M Cutler, NK Ure, J How
AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, 4551, 2012
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