Mario A Bernal
Mario A Bernal
Associate Professor of Physics. Campinas State University, Brazil
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The geant4-dna project
S Incerti, G Baldacchino, M Bernal, R Capra, C Champion, Z Francis, ...
International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing 1 …, 2010
Comparison of GEANT4 very low energy cross section models with experimental data in water
S Incerti, A Ivanchenko, M Karamitros, A Mantero, P Moretto, HN Tran, ...
Medical physics 37 (9), 4692-4708, 2010
Track structure modeling in liquid water: A review of the Geant4-DNA very low energy extension of the Geant4 Monte Carlo simulation toolkit
MA Bernal, MC Bordage, JMC Brown, M Davídková, E Delage, Z El Bitar, ...
Physica Medica 31 (8), 861-874, 2015
Geant4‐DNA example applications for track structure simulations in liquid water: a report from the Geant4‐DNA Project
S Incerti, I Kyriakou, MA Bernal, MC Bordage, Z Francis, S Guatelli, ...
Medical physics 45 (8), e722-e739, 2018
Diffusion-controlled reactions modeling in Geant4-DNA
M Karamitros, S Luan, MA Bernal, J Allison, G Baldacchino, M Davidkova, ...
Journal of Computational Physics 274, 841-882, 2014
An investigation on the capabilities of the PENELOPE MC code in nanodosimetry
MA Bernal, JA Liendo
Medical physics 36 (2), 620-625, 2009
Modeling radiation chemistry in the Geant4 toolkit
M Karamitros, A Mantero, S Incerti, W Friedland, G Baldacchino, ...
Prog Nucl Sci Technol 2 (0), 2011
Geant4 Monte Carlo simulation of absorbed dose and radiolysis yields enhancement from a gold nanoparticle under MeV proton irradiation
HN Tran, M Karamitros, VN Ivanchenko, S Guatelli, S McKinnon, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 2016
Evaluation of early radiation DNA damage in a fractal cell nucleus model using Geant4-DNA
D Sakata, N Lampe, M Karamitros, I Kyriakou, O Belov, MA Bernal, ...
Physica Medica 62, 152-157, 2019
A new standard DNA damage (SDD) data format
J Schuemann, AL McNamara, JW Warmenhoven, NT Henthorn, KJ Kirkby, ...
Radiation research 191 (1), 76-92, 2019
Monte Carlo simulation of energy-deposit clustering for ions of the same LET in liquid water
Z Francis, S Incerti, V Ivanchenko, C Champion, M Karamitros, MA Bernal, ...
Physics in Medicine & Biology 57 (1), 209, 2011
Simulation of Auger electron emission from nanometer-size gold targets using the Geant4 Monte Carlo simulation toolkit
S Incerti, B Suerfu, J Xu, V Ivantchenko, A Mantero, JMC Brown, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 2016
Dose point kernels in liquid water: an intra-comparison between GEANT4-DNA and a variety of Monte Carlo codes
C Champion, S Incerti, Y Perrot, R Delorme, MC Bordage, M Bardiès, ...
Applied radiation and isotopes 83, 137-141, 2014
An atomistic geometrical model of the B-DNA configuration for DNA–radiation interaction simulations
MA Bernal, D Sikansi, F Cavalcante, S Incerti, C Champion, V Ivanchenko, ...
Computer Physics Communications 184 (12), 2840-2847, 2013
Simulating radial dose of ion tracks in liquid water simulated with Geant4-DNA: A comparative study
S Incerti, M Psaltaki, P Gillet, P Barberet, M Bardiès, MA Bernal, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 2014
The invariance of the total direct DNA strand break yield
MA Bernal, CE Dealmeida, C Sampaio, S Incerti, C Champion, ...
Medical Physics 38 (7), 4147-4153, 2011
Accounting for radiation-induced indirect damage on DNA with the Geant 4-DNA code
L de la Fuente Rosales, S Incerti, F Ziad, MA Bernal
Physica Medica, 2018
A Feasibility Study of Fricke Dosimetry as an Absorbed Dose to Water Standard for 192Ir HDR Sources
CE deAlmeida, R Ochoa, MC Lima, MG David, EJ Pires, JG Peixoto, ...
PloS one 9 (12), e115155, 2014
Energy deposition in small-scale targets of liquid water using the very low energy electromagnetic physics processes of the Geant4 toolkit
S Incerti, C Champion, HN Tran, M Karamitros, M Bernal, Z Francis, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 2013
On the consistency of Monte Carlo track structure DNA damage simulations
P Pater, J Seuntjens, I El Naqa, MA Bernal
Medical physics 41 (12), 121708, 2014
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Artigos 1–20