The murky distinction between self-concept and self-efficacy: beware of lurking jingle-jangle fallacies. HW Marsh, R Pekrun, PD Parker, K Murayama, J Guo, T Dicke, AK Arens Journal of educational psychology 111 (2), 331, 2019 | 531 | 2019 |
Classroom climate and children’s academic and psychological wellbeing: A systematic review and meta-analysis MT Wang, JL Degol, J Amemiya, A Parr, J Guo Developmental Review 57, 100912, 2020 | 497 | 2020 |
Achievement, Motivation, and Educational Choices: A Longitudinal Study of Expectancy and Value Using a Multiplicative Perspective. J Guo, PD Parker, HW Marsh, AJS Morin Developmental Psychology 51 (8), 1163–1176, 2015 | 426 | 2015 |
Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), exploratory structural equation modeling (ESEM), and set-ESEM: optimal balance between goodness of fit and parsimony HW Marsh, J Guo, T Dicke, PD Parker, RG Craven Multivariate behavioral research 55 (1), 102-119, 2020 | 395 | 2020 |
Building grit: The longitudinal pathways between mindset, commitment, grit, and academic outcomes X Tang, MT Wang, J Guo, K Salmela-Aro Journal of youth and adolescence 48, 850-863, 2019 | 384 | 2019 |
Parental ethnic–racial socialization practices and the construction of children of color’s ethnic–racial identity: A research synthesis and meta-analysis. JP Huguley, MT Wang, AC Vasquez, J Guo Psychological bulletin 145 (5), 437, 2019 | 324 | 2019 |
Parental ethnic-racial socialization practices and children of color’s psychosocial and behavioral adjustment: A systematic review and meta-analysis. MT Wang, DA Henry, LV Smith, JP Huguley, J Guo American Psychologist 75 (1), 1, 2020 | 323 | 2020 |
What to do When Scalar Invariance Fails: The Extended Alignment Method for Multi-Group Factor Analysis Comparison of Latent Means Across Many Groups. HW Marsh, J Guo, PD Parker, B Nagengast, T Asparouhov, B Muthén, ... Psychological Methods 21 (4), 1-22, 2017 | 306 | 2017 |
Expectancy-value in mathematics, gender and socioeconomic background as predictors of achievement and aspirations: A multi-cohort study J Guo, HW Marsh, PD Parker, AJS Morin, AS Yeung Learning and individual differences 37, 161-168, 2015 | 300 | 2015 |
An integrated model of academic self-concept development: Academic self-concept, grades, test scores, and tracking over 6 years. HW Marsh, R Pekrun, K Murayama, AK Arens, PD Parker, J Guo, T Dicke Developmental psychology 54 (2), 263, 2018 | 296 | 2018 |
Job satisfaction of teachers and their principals in relation to climate and student achievement. T Dicke, HW Marsh, PD Parker, J Guo, P Riley, J Waldeyer Journal of educational psychology 112 (5), 1061, 2020 | 257 | 2020 |
Directionality of the Associations of High School Expectancy-Value, Aspirations, and Attainment A Longitudinal Study J Guo, HW Marsh, AJS Morin, PD Parker, G Kaur American Educational Research Journal 52 (2), 371-402, 2015 | 211 | 2015 |
Extending expectancy-value theory predictions of achievement and aspirations in science: Dimensional comparison processes and expectancy-by-value interactions J Guo, HW Marsh, PD Parker, AJS Morin, T Dicke Learning and Instruction 49, 81-91, 2017 | 210 | 2017 |
Mindfulness and its association with varied types of motivation: A systematic review and meta-analysis using self-determination theory JN Donald, EL Bradshaw, RM Ryan, G Basarkod, J Ciarrochi, ... Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 46 (7), 1121-1138, 2020 | 196 | 2020 |
Probing the Unique Contributions of Self-Concept, Task Values, and Their Interactions Using Multiple Value Facets and Multiple Academic Outcomes J Guo, B Nagengast, HW Marsh, A Kelava, H Gaspard, H Brandt, ... AERA Open 2 (1), 1-20, 2016 | 191 | 2016 |
Breaking the double-edged sword of effort/trying hard: Developmental equilibrium and longitudinal relations among effort, achievement, and academic self-concept. HW Marsh, R Pekrun, S Lichtenfeld, J Guo, AK Arens, K Murayama Developmental psychology 52 (8), 1273, 2016 | 133 | 2016 |
Effects of school-average achievement on individual self-concept and achievement: Unmasking phantom effects masquerading as true compositional effects. T Dicke, HW Marsh, PD Parker, R Pekrun, J Guo, I Televantou Journal of Educational Psychology 110 (8), 1112, 2018 | 112 | 2018 |
Validating the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (COPSOQ-II) using set-ESEM: Identifying psychosocial risk factors in a sample of school principals T Dicke, HW Marsh, P Riley, PD Parker, J Guo, M Horwood Frontiers in psychology 9, 584, 2018 | 109 | 2018 |
The Roles of Social-Emotional Skills in Students’ Academic and Life Success: A Multi-Informant, Multi-Cohort Perspective J Guo, X Tang, H Marsh, P Parker, G Basarkod, BK Sahdra, M Ranta, ... Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2022 | 105 | 2022 |
In-the-moment profiles of expectancies, task values, and costs J Dietrich, J Moeller, J Guo, J Viljaranta, B Kracke Frontiers in Psychology 10, 1662, 2019 | 104 | 2019 |