Wenjie Xie
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Unique nanostructures and enhanced thermoelectric performance of melt-spun BiSbTe alloys
W Xie, X Tang, Y Yan, Q Zhang, TM Tritt
Applied Physics Letters 94 (10), 102111, 2009
Identifying the Specific Nanostructures Responsible for the High Thermoelectric Performance of (Bi,Sb)2Te3 Nanocomposites
W Xie, J He, HJ Kang, X Tang, S Zhu, M Laver, S Wang, JRD Copley, ...
Nano letters 10 (9), 3283-3289, 2010
Preparation and thermoelectric transport properties of high-performance p-type Bi2Te3 with layered nanostructure
X Tang, W Xie, H Li, W Zhao, Q Zhang, M Niino
Applied physics letters 90 (1), 012102, 2007
Recent advances in nanostructured thermoelectric half-Heusler compounds
W Xie, A Weidenkaff, X Tang, Q Zhang, J Poon, TM Tritt
Nanomaterials 2 (4), 379-412, 2012
High thermoelectric performance BiSbTe alloy with unique low-dimensional structure
W Xie, X Tang, Y Yan, Q Zhang, TM Tritt
Journal of Applied Physics 105 (11), 113713, 2009
High-Performance Nanostructured Thermoelectric Materials Prepared by Melt Spinning and Spark Plasma Sintering
X Tang, W Xie, H Li, B Du, Q Zhang, TM Tritt, C Uher
Materials, Preparation, and Characterization in Thermoelectrics, 33, 2017
Enhanced thermoelectric properties of Bi 2 (Te 1− x Se x) 3-based compounds as n-type legs for low-temperature power generation
S Wang, G Tan, W Xie, G Zheng, H Li, J Yang, X Tang
Journal of Materials Chemistry 22 (39), 20943-20951, 2012
Half-Heusler phases and nanocomposites as emerging high-ZT thermoelectric materials
SJ Poon, D Wu, S Zhu, W Xie, TM Tritt, P Thomas, R Venkatasubramanian
Journal of Materials Research 26 (22), 2795-2802, 2011
Enhanced performances of melt spun Bi2 (Te, Se) 3 for n-type thermoelectric legs
S Wang, W Xie, H Li, X Tang
Intermetallics 19 (7), 1024-1031, 2011
Phase transition and high temperature thermoelectric properties of copper selenide Cu2− xSe (0≤ x≤ 0.25)
XX Xiao, WJ Xie, XF Tang, QJ Zhang
Chinese Physics B 20 (8), 087201, 2011
Simultaneously optimizing the independent thermoelectric properties in (Ti, Zr, Hf)(Co, Ni) Sb alloy by in situ forming InSb nanoinclusions
WJ Xie, J He, S Zhu, XL Su, SY Wang, T Holgate, JW Graff, ...
Acta Materialia 58 (14), 4705-4713, 2010
High performance Bi 2 Te 3 nanocomposites prepared by single-element-melt-spinning spark-plasma sintering
W Xie, S Wang, S Zhu, J He, X Tang, Q Zhang, TM Tritt
Journal of Materials Science 48 (7), 2745–2760, 2013
Significant< i> ZT</i> enhancement in p-type Ti (Co, Fe) Sb–InSb nanocomposites via a synergistic high-mobility electron injection, energy-filtering and boundary-scattering …
WJ Xie, YG Yan, S Zhu, M Zhou, S Populoh, K Gałązka, SJ Poon, ...
Acta Materialia 61 (6), 2087–2094, 2013
Enhancement of the thermoelectric performance of β-Zn4Sb3 by in situ nanostructures and minute Cd-doping
S Wang, H Li, D Qi, W Xie, X Tang
Acta Materialia 59 (12), 4805-4817, 2011
Investigation of the sintering pressure and thermal conductivity anisotropy of melt-spun spark-plasma-sintered (Bi, Sb) 2Te3 thermoelectric materials
W Xie, J He, S Zhu, T Holgate, S Wang, X Tang, Q Zhang, TM Tritt
Journal of Materials Research 26 (15), 1791-1799, 2011
Thermoelectric performance of Nb-doped SrTiO3 enhanced by reduced graphene oxide and Sr deficiency cooperation
O Okhay, S Zlotnik, W Xie, K Orlinski, MJH Gallo, G Otero-Irurueta, ...
Carbon 143, 215-222, 2019
Enhanced thermoelectric performance of β-Zn4Sb3 based nanocomposites through the dual effects of density of states resonance and carrier energy filtering
T Zou, Y Zhang, XG Li, Z Zeng, D Li, J Zhang, H Xin, W Xie, A Weidenkaff
Scientific Reports 5, 17803, 2015
High performance n-type (Bi, Sb) 2 (Te, Se) 3 for low temperature thermoelectric generator
S Wang, W Xie, H Li, X Tang
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 43 (33), 335404, 2010
Introduction of resonant states and enhancement of thermoelectric properties in half-Heusler alloys
JW Simonson, D Wu, WJ Xie, TM Tritt, SJ Poon
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 83 (23), 235211, 2011
The preparation and thermoelectric properties of Ti0. 5Zr0. 25Hf0. 25Co1− xNixSb half-Heusler compounds
W Xie, Q Jin, X Tang
Journal of applied physics 103 (4), 043711, 2008
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