Fabian Benduhn
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FeatureIDE: An extensible framework for feature-oriented software development
T Thüm, C Kästner, F Benduhn, J Meinicke, G Saake, T Leich
Science of Computer Programming 79, 70-85, 2014
Mastering software variability with FeatureIDE
J Meinicke, T Thüm, R Schröter, F Benduhn, T Leich, G Saake
Springer International Publishing, 2017
Feature-model interfaces: the highway to compositional analyses of highly-configurable systems
R Schröter, S Krieter, T Thüm, F Benduhn, G Saake
Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Software Engineering …, 2016
An overview on analysis tools for software product lines
J Meinicke, T Thüm, R Schröter, F Benduhn, G Saake
Proceedings of the 18th International Software Product Line Conference …, 2014
FeatureIDE: Taming the preprocessor wilderness
J Meinicke, T Thüm, R Schröter, S Krieter, F Benduhn, G Saake, T Leich
Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Software Engineering …, 2016
Potential synergies of theorem proving and model checking for software product lines
T Thüm, J Meinicke, F Benduhn, M Hentschel, A von Rhein, G Saake
Proceedings of the 18th International Software Product Line Conference …, 2014
A survey on modeling techniques for formal behavioral verification of software product lines
F Benduhn, T Thüm, M Lochau, T Leich, G Saake
Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Variability Modelling of …, 2015
Migration from annotation-based to composition-based product lines: towards a tool-driven process
F Benduhn, R Schröter, A Kenner, C Kruczek, T Leich, G Saake
SOFTENG, 102-109, 2016
Composing annotations without regret? Practical experiences using FeatureC
J Krüger, M Pinnecke, A Kenner, C Kruczek, F Benduhn, T Leich, G Saake
Software: Practice and Experience 48 (3), 402-427, 2018
Mutation operators for preprocessor-based variability
M Al-Hajjaji, F Benduhn, T Thüm, T Leich, G Saake
Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Variability Modelling of …, 2016
Efficient mutation testing in configurable systems
M Al-Hajjaji, J Krüger, F Benduhn, T Leich, G Saake
2017 IEEE/ACM 2nd International Workshop on Variability and Complexity in …, 2017
Contract-Aware Feature Composition
F Benduhn
Bachelor's thesis, University of Magdeburg, Germany, 2012
Modularization of refinement steps for agile formal methods
F Benduhn, T Thüm, I Schaefer, G Saake
Formal Methods and Software Engineering: 19th International Conference on …, 2017
Compositional analyses of highly-configurable systems with feature-model interfaces
R Schröter, S Krieter, T Thüm, F Benduhn, G Saake
Software Engineering 2017, 129, 2017
Feature-Model Interfaces for Compositional Analyses
R Schröter, S Krieter, T Thüm, F Benduhn, G Saake
Technical Report FIN-001-2015, University of Magdeburg, Germany, 2015
Representing Variability in Product Lines: A Survey of Modeling and Specification Techniques
F Benduhn
Master’s thesis, University of Magdeburg, Germany, 2014
Secure Database Infrastructures
F Benduhn, A Hultsch, R Mäkeler
Techniken zur forensischen Datenhaltung-Ausgewählte studentische Beiträge, 25, 2012
Entwicklung von Softwarevarianten mit FeatureIDE
T Thüm, F Benduhn
Eclipse Magazin 12 (1), 94-97, 2011
FeatureIDE: A novel approach to develop software
F Benduhn, T Thüm
Online Portal, 2011
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